Package com.softslate.commerce.administrator.importexport
package com.softslate.commerce.administrator.importexport
ClassDescriptionStruts Action class that gets invoked when user exports basic tax rates.Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports categories.Action class corresponding to the common text file exports (for attributes and categories).Action form class corresponding to the common text file export forms (for options, attributes, and categories).Action class corresponding to the text file export field selection screens.Form responsible for processing the Froogle (ie.Action class corresponding to / action class that corresponds to the processing of the Froogle export.Struts action class that corresponds to the processing of the Froogle export.Form responsible for processing the Google Sitemaps export.Action class corresponding to / action class that corresponds to the processing of the Google Sitemaps export.Action form class corresponding to the form where an import is described.Action class corresponding to /, which processes a text file import.Action class corresponding to /, which handles the uploading of an import file, and displaying the import preview.Action class corresponding to / Action class responsible for producing the Monthly Sales report.Struts ActionForm class responsible for the Monthly Sales report form.Struts Action class responsible for producing the Monthly Sales report form.Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports options.Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports orders.Action form class corresponding to the order text file export form.Action form class corresponding to the product text file export form.Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports products.Struts Action class responsible for producing the Sales By Product report.Struts ActionForm class responsible for the Sales By Product report form.Struts Action class responsible for producing the Sales By Product report form.Struts Action class that gets invoked when user exports skus.