Class BasicInventoryProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
BusinessObject, BusinessProcessor, InventoryProcessor

public class BasicInventoryProcessor extends BaseBusinessProcessor implements InventoryProcessor
Processes business logic having to do with SKUs and inventory levels. BasicInventoryProcessor is the default implementation of the InventoryProcessor interface for the application.
David Tobey
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • log

      static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
    • productSettingsKeys

      public String[] productSettingsKeys
      The settings keys dealing with inventory. These keys correspond both to global settings stored in the sscSetting database table, and product-specific settings defined in the sscProductSetting table.
  • Constructor Details

    • BasicInventoryProcessor

      public BasicInventoryProcessor()
  • Method Details

    • processAddItems

      public Map processAddItems(Collection orderItems) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: InventoryProcessor
      Processes inventory as new OrderItems are added to a user's cart. Decrements inventory levels (in the memory objects) if products are set to be decremented upon being added to a cart. (Objects are updated in the database by BasicCartProcessor.processAddItems(Collection), which is what calls this method.)

      The default implementation of this method does the following:

      1. Loads the inventory settings in effect for each of the products corresponding to the OrderItems being added.
      2. Calls BaseBusinessProcessor.loadMatchingSkus(Collection, Collection, Collection) to load the skus corresponding to the OrderItems.
      3. Calls InventoryProcessor.processInventory(Collection, Map, Collection, String) to process the inventory.
      4. Removes any order items that were rejected because one of their corresponding SKUs are out of stock.
      5. Adjusts the quantities of any order items whose quantities exceed the quantity in stock.
      6. Calls CartProcessor.processQuantities(Collection) to update the cart with the new quantities.
      Specified by:
      processAddItems in interface InventoryProcessor
      orderItems - The Collection of OrderItem objects being added to the cart.
      A Map containing results of the processing. In the default implementation, the Map is the same as the one returned by InventoryProcessor.processInventory(Collection, Map, Collection, String) (which this method calls).
      See Also:
    • processOnCheckout

      public Map processOnCheckout(Map parameters) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: InventoryProcessor
      Checks inventory for a user's cart during checkout. This step takes places as the user passes through checkout, but before submitting payment information. Makes sure that if products are to be decremented on checkout, no skus are out of stock. Inventory does not get decremented with this method.

      The default implementation of this method largely follows the same steps as InventoryProcessor.processAddItems(Collection).

      Specified by:
      processOnCheckout in interface InventoryProcessor
      parameters - The most recent parameters submitted by the user.
      A Map containing results of the processing. In the default implementation, the Map is the same as the one returned by InventoryProcessor.processInventory(Collection, Map, Collection, String) (which this method calls).
      See Also:
    • processOrderComplete

      public Map processOrderComplete(Map parameters) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: InventoryProcessor
      Processes inventory for a user's cart as an order is completed. This step takes place after a successful payment processing. Inventory is decremented at this point for products set to be decremented on checkout.
      Specified by:
      processOrderComplete in interface InventoryProcessor
      parameters - The most recent parameters submitted by the user.
      A Map containing results of the processing. In the default implementation, the Map is the same as the one returned by InventoryProcessor.processInventory(Collection, Map, Collection, String) (which this method calls).
    • loadProductSettings

      public Map loadProductSettings(Collection orderItems, Collection productIDs) throws Exception
      Loads inventory settings for each of the products corresponding to a given Collection of OrderItems. Inventory settings are defined globally in the sscSetting database table. They can be overridden product-by-product by settings defined in the sscProductSettings table. This method resolves which products are set to override the global settings, and the resulting Map reflects the overridden settings.
      orderItems - A Collection of OrderItem objects being processed.
      productIDs -
      A Map containing the settings. The keys of the Map are the string in the productSettingsKeys array.
    • processInventory

      public Map processInventory(Collection orderItems, Map productSettings, Collection matchingSkus, String behavior) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: InventoryProcessor
      Generically processes inventory, returning a Map with information about items and skus. Does not change the order items being checked.
      Specified by:
      processInventory in interface InventoryProcessor
      orderItems - A Collection of OrderItem objects being processed.
      productSettings - A Map of Collections representing the inventory settings in effect for the products in the OrderItems.
      matchingSkus - A Collection of Maps representing all the SKUs associated with the OrderItems.
      behavior - A String representing when inventory is to be decremented. Either "onAddingToCart" or "onOrderCompletion".
      A Map containing results of the processing. In the default implementation, the keys of the Map include:
      • skusToDecrement: A Collection of Maps, each representing a SKU that is to be decremented as result of the processing.
      • decrementedSKUs: A Map whose keys are OrderItem objects and whose values are comma-separated Strings representing the ids of the SKU objects corresponding to the OrderItem that are to be decremented. (Used to populate the OrderItem's descrementedSKUs property.)
      • rejectedOrderItems: A Collection of OrderItem objects that have been removed from the user's cart due to their being out of stock.
      • adjustedQuantities: A Map whose keys are OrderItem objects and whose values are Strings representing the OrderItems new quantity, after being adjusted because not enough inventory is available.
      • newOOSSKUs: A Collection of Maps, each representing a SKU that has just reached its out of stock level as result of the processing.
      • productsToDeactivate: A Collection of Strings, each representing the id of a Product object that should now be deactivated because a SKU associated with it has just gone out of stock.
      • lowStockEmails: A Collection of Maps, each representing a SKU that has reached its 'low stock' level, and should trigger a low stock email as a result.
    • processOrderItemAndSKU

      public void processOrderItemAndSKU(OrderItem oi, Map sku)
    • defineInventorySettings

      public Map defineInventorySettings(Product product, Collection attributeSKUCollection)
      Description copied from interface: InventoryProcessor
      Inspects a Product and returns a Map of useful variables related to the state of the product's inventory.
      Specified by:
      defineInventorySettings in interface InventoryProcessor
      attributeSKUCollection - An optional Collection of attribute-only SKUs used to define the inventory settings that are returned.
      A Map of variables related to the product's inventory.
    • postToEventBus

      protected void postToEventBus(Map results) throws Exception