Package com.softslate.commerce.customer.order
respond to reqeusts
to add an item to a user's cart.
, and
respond requests
to edit an item in a user's cart.
initializes singleton objects in the servlet's application scope related to
processing orders in the store.
The remaining classes respond to requests for various parts of the checkout
process. CheckoutAction
is a super class
for each of the other action classes for the checkout process.
ClassDescriptionStruts form class representing a user's billing and delivery addresses.Struts form class representing a user's billing address.Struts action class for submissions to add items to the current user's cart.Struts form class for submissions to add items to the current user's cart.Struts action class used for requests to clear the current cart.Struts action class for submissions to all items in the current user's cart.Struts form class for submissions to edit all items in the current user's cart.Struts action class for submissions to edit an item in the current user's cart.Struts form class for submissions to edit an item in the current user's cart.Struts action class that corresponds to the cart item edit page.Struts form class for requests for the cart item edit form for a given cart item.Struts action class that corresponds to the store's checkout link.Struts action class for submissions of the checkout addresses form.Struts form class for submissions to record address information during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout addresses form.Struts action class for submissions from the combo form during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout combo form.Struts action class for submissions of the checkout addresses form.Struts form class for submissions to record address information and a selected shipping option during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout addresses/shipping combo form.Struts action class for submissions from the combo form during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to continue checking out without logging in or registering for an account.Struts action class for submissions to login during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout login form.Struts action class for submissions of payment information during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout payment form.Struts action class for submissions to register a new account during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout register form.Struts action class for requests to "/".Struts action class for submissions of the checkout shipping form.Struts form class for submissions to record a selected shipping option during checkout.Struts action class for submissions to view the checkout shipping form.Interface for utility methods used by Struts Action classes related to the checkout process.
is the default implementation of theCheckoutUtils
interface for the application.Struts action class for submissions to record a coupon code entered by the user.Struts action class used for requests to clear the current cart.Struts form class representing the delivery information prompted for on the cart page to calculated estimated shipping.Initializes singleton objects related to orders in the application scope.