Package com.softslate.commerce.customer.payment
package com.softslate.commerce.customer.payment
Provides basic Struts form classes corresponding to various payment methods
for the application.
ClassDescriptionAddress form for adding/editing CIM profile addresses through API.Form to delete CIM profileThis is a dummy form for struts used on AuthorizeDPMReturnActionStruts action class used for the relay response from authorize.Action class to handle AuthorizeNet Return.Struts form class for submissions of payment information for during checkout.Ajax loading of profiles for API calls only.Struts action class used for requests to manage a customer's CIM profiles.Struts form class for submissions to manage a customer's CIM profiles for requests to "/".Default Struts form class for submissions of payment information during checkout.Struts form class for users electing to send the store payment by check or money order.Struts form class for submissions of payment information for the First Data Global Gateway during checkout.Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Payflow Link during checkout.Struts form class for submissions of bank account information for PayPal Payflow Pro's ACH processing during checkout.Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Payflow Pro during checkout.Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Direct during checkout.Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Express Checkout during checkout.Action class to handle the redirected request from PayPal following a PayPal Express Checkout session in which the user's address and payment information are defined directly with PayPal.Action class to handle a request from the user to use PayPal Express to checkout.Struts form class for submissions of payment information for PayPal Express Checkout during checkout.Struts form class for users electing to send the store payment by purchase order.