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Appendix A. Change Log

Table A.1. Change Log

administrator3.5.4.0Support SMTP over TLS for port 587.
administrator3.5.4.0Shipping Methods may be marked as pickup locations, and populated with an address. If the customer selects one, their delivery address is modified to the Shipping Method's address.
administrator3.5.4.0SKU Builder improvements: offer admins a list of Attributes and Options to include or exclude when building SKUs under a product.
administrator3.5.4.0Warn administrators if uploading an image would overwrite an existing image.
administrator3.5.4.0Security vulnerability fix related to login and registration actions. - Improvements to the display of the iframe on mobile devices.
customer3.5.4.0FedEx shipping - bug fix if all items are sent by drop shippers - avoid "Invalid piece count" reply from FedEx
customer3.5.4.0Product Reviews - by default, sort by most recent first.
customer3.5.4.0Security vulnerability related to login and registration actions.
customer3.5.4.0Improvements made to session locking with HttpSessionMutexListener, which may have performance benefits.
customer3.5.4.0One page checkout - send customer back to the addresses tab after address validation errors.
developer3.5.4.0Log the X-Forwarded-For IP address value if present.
developer3.5.4.0API - Bug fix when rendering the JSON output of shipping options that have discounts.
developer3.5.4.0API - Ability to assign Products to Attributes and Customer Wish Lists added to the API.
developer3.5.4.0API - Product Setting CRUD operations added to the API.
developer3.5.4.0API - Product Review CRUD operations added to the API.
administrator3.5.3.0QuickBooks Online integration: support for syncing orders as QBO SalesReceipts.
administrator3.5.3.0Fix bug where shipping settings can't be saved in the admin.
administrator3.5.3.0Fix bug with routing and error message after deleting a product's additional image.
administrator3.5.3.0Fix admin Product -> More -> Other Settings screen where field descriptions were getting mixed up.
administrator3.5.3.0BasicTaxProcessor fix issue where the state had to be defined. Only the country and rate must be defined.
administrator3.5.3.0Fix spacing issues and Order Shipping Rules tab display.
administrator3.5.3.0Prevent browser from autofilling SMTP credentials.
administrator3.5.3.0Remove the PayPal Subject setting. This creates major problems when it's populated. Accept.js fix - pass up the current order total to make sure it has not changed. - truncate values sent to their API according to the max lengths specified in their specs. processor - make more extensible wrt environment and credentials.
developer3.5.3.0Add TLS v 1.2 to supported protocols for outgoing email.
developer3.5.3.0Resize image fixes change. Switch to Java Graphic library for all image resizing.
developer3.5.3.0Fix name of UK country to correspond to USPS name.
developer3.5.3.0Add separate Subscriber classes for EventBus, for thread safety.
developer3.5.3.0Better handling of exceptions thrown by BeanUtils.populate.
developer3.5.3.0Workaround for Postgres exception handling the null UTF character.
developer3.5.3.0Add logging for admin login errors.
developer3.5.3.0Add liquibase.jar to Eclipse .classpath config file.
customer3.5.3.0Fix continue shopping link - make it SEO friendly.
administrator3.5.2.0Ability to upload and display file 'attachments' for each product - files such as installation instructions or owner's manuals that users can download from the product page.
administrator3.5.2.0Ability to define the security headers, x-frame-options and content-security-policy, from the administrator.
administrator3.5.2.0Admin interface for Order Shipping Rules - the Shipping Rules that were applied to each order.
administrator3.5.2.0CardInfoCleanUpjob added to menu and Quartz.
administrator3.5.2.0authorizeNetHostedShowCreditCard and authorizeNetHostedShowBankAccount options.
administrator3.5.2.0For stores sitting on multiple-master databases, a setting allowing the system to create order numbers via a count query instead of auto-increment.
administrator3.5.2.0Work around Swagger UI bug.
administrator3.5.2.0TinyMCE API Key setting to allow administrators to use the most recent versions of Tiny MCE (See the Release Notes below).
administrator3.5.2.0Setting for the opt-in email subscription prompt fixed on contact form.
administrator3.5.2.0Fix bug related to checking that a customer has not already received a given email.
administrator3.5.2.0CardInfoCleanUpjob added to menu and Quartz.
developer3.5.2.0OrderShippedJob - make the timing more fine-grained.
developer3.5.2.0Exclude Liquibase custom changelog from upgrades.
administrator3.5.1.0Adding autocomplete attributes to address and credit card forms according to WHATWG standard.
administrator3.5.1.0Lucene reindexing - only copy new index into place if the indexing was successful.
administrator3.5.1.0Fix address book bug where billing fields are sometimes incorrectly copied into delivery fields.
administrator3.5.1.0New setting specifying which states charge tax for shipping costs.
administrator3.5.1.0Force shipping and taxes to always be reprocessed after returning from PayPal.
administrator3.5.1.0Look for Negotiated Rates in the UPS response if called for by the flag. Accept Hosted fix - escape characters for the iframe communicator.
administrator3.5.1.0Graphics2D library used for resizing images; ability to skip resizing based on settings.
administrator3.5.1.0Use customized BasicTaxProcessor if there is one when falling back to basic tax rates in AvaTaxProcessor.
administrator3.5.1.0Don't process tax action upon order completion if customer is tax exempt.
administrator3.5.1.0Remove outdated winstone.jar, and support for building a standalone version of the application.
administrator3.5.1.0Enforce that the choosen country is active in the system.
administrator3.5.1.0Submit once Javascript check in the browser when submitting an order as an additional precaution against dupe orders Accept.js total check and check for dirty cart.
administrator3.5.1.0Basic Tax Rates - import and export; support for importing ZIP tax rates from Avalara.
administrator3.5.1.0categoryTreeRebuilt convenience application scope variable.
administrator3.5.1.0Config property in appSettings to control if components can be edited in the Administrator (false for new installs, true for upgrades).
administrator3.5.1.0Liquibase integration (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.5.1.0Fix references to AuthorizeNetAPIProcessor - allow for it to subclassed for customizations.
administrator3.5.1.0When dealing with Emails ignore missing parent orders, customers, and templates.
administrator3.5.1.0Allow the option to store config files outside of the web application, when setting their locations via system flags, for use in clustered deployments using .war files.
administrator3.5.0.0Revamped integration (see Release Notes for 3.5.0).
administrator3.5.0.0Order Confirmation, Order Notification, Gift Certificate, Lost Password, and Complete Password Reset emails done as Velocity templates sent from Java.
administrator3.5.0.0Require Email Activation setting on the Customer Account Settings screen: a new setting that requires that the user create a password and complete registration by clicking an emailed link.
administrator3.5.0.0Incomplete Orders Job: a job to automatically remove older abandoned carts.
administrator3.5.0.0Admin and customer session timeout settings on the Session Management Settings screen.
administrator3.5.0.0Ability to add content in Iframes to the lightbox popup, including YouTube videos:
administrator3.5.0.0Fix import error with product category insert in Postgres
administrator3.5.0.0Don't allow "administrator" role users to add/edit other administrators - only superusers or "administratorEdit" role users should be able to.
customer3.5.0.0To help prevent XSS, escape XML for all messages except for specific ones that consist of markup, where we are escaping in the action.
customer3.5.0.0To avoid confusion, also clear out any entered coupon codes in the session when clearing the cart.
customer3.5.0.0Track the reasons each Discount is not applied and for coupons, and tell the user the reason.
customer3.5.0.0Remove legacy/deprecated default-xhtml layout, and replace default-xhtml5 references with default-html5.
customer3.5.0.0Fix big where a customer password could be resaved incorrectly in customizations.
customer3.5.0.0Patch for potential Struts vulnerability: CVE-2014-0094.
customer3.5.0.0Do not prepopulate password fields on the change password screen.
customer3.5.0.0Bug fix in mini display of manufacturers, miniManufacturers.jso
developer3.5.0.0Fix 3.4.2 bug with schema initialization of customer fields.
developer3.5.0.0Delete legacy payment processing class files: CRESecure and AuthorizeNetCIM.
developer3.5.0.0Utility method for customizations to reload the current Customer from the database.
developer3.5.0.0Extender template fixes.
developer3.5.0.0Enable Quartz clustering by default.
developer3.5.0.0Refactor of CustomerProcessor.processRegister and CustomerGatewayDAO.processorRegister.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for Mysql connector to 8.0.16.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for commons collections to 3.2.2.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for commons beanutils to 1.9.3, and modificiation to support backwards compatibility of null conversions.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for commons-codec to 1.12.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for commons-compress to 1.18.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for commons fileupload to 1.4.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for Xerces to 2.12.0.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for c3p0 to
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for javax mail to 1.6.2.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for httpclient to 4.5.8.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for guava to 27.1.
developer3.5.0.0Library upgrade for Ant to 1.9.14.
api3.5.0.0Order Management API calls allowing developers to create/modify orders via the API.
api3.5.0.0CRUD API calls for Option, supporting identifying the parent attribute by either the attributeID or attributeCode.
api3.5.0.0Reorganize/simply API tags into two categories.
api3.5.0.0Tweaks needed for Discount API calls.
api3.5.0.0Fix missing "currentPassword" param in UpdatePassword swagger spec.
api3.5.0.0New API call /sku/assign to assign SKUs to Products.
api3.5.0.0New/improved CRUD API calls: /sku/assign, /discount, /discount/list, and /order/list.
api3.5.0.0Files and folders for creating Swagger documentation for custom API calls.
api3.5.0.0Bug fix related to shortDescription populating using Swagger API form for products and categories.
api3.5.0.0CRUD API calls for Payments.
api3.5.0.0Add errorCodes and messageCodes to the API Json output.
api3.5.0.0Skip storing displayedColumns and itemsPerPage in the session for API calls.
api3.5.0.0Public Json output uses new wrappedCustomer.jsp.
developer3.4.2.0New CRUD API calls: /sku, /sku/list, /customer, /customer/list, /order, /order/list, /orderOverview
developer3.4.2.0API calls for customer account settings and resetting passwords
developer3.4.2.0Extender tool - small fixes
developer3.4.2.0Two utility methods for admin form validation
customer3.4.2.0Customer password security - Ability to lock a Customer out after a certain number of failed login attempts
customer3.4.2.0Customer password security - Ability to force Customer to change their password every x days
customer3.4.2.0Customer password security - Ability to enforce the password rule that each password contains both a letter and number
customer3.4.2.0Customer password security - Ability to enforce that new Customer passwords do not repeat any one of that customer's previous x passwords
customer3.4.2.0Tweaks for fix for Accept.js errors on one-page checkout, and small refactor of onePageCheckout.js
customer3.4.2.0Add fn:escapeXml() to EL expressions that may be generated from user input to help prevent CSRF
customer3.4.2.0Fix for can't find collection error in order JSON output
administrator3.4.2.0Add confirm password field to Administrator change password form
administrator3.4.2.0Fix bug when editing an Adminstrator
developer3.4.1.0New API calls for the checkout process: /CheckoutAddresses, /CheckoutShipping, /CheckoutPayment, and others
developer3.4.1.0New API calls for the customer account area: /AccountHistory and /OrderDetails
developer3.4.1.0Tweaks for compatibility with JDK 9
customer3.4.1.0Work around issue with Accept.js errors requiring a page refresh
customer3.4.1.0Bug fix - do not update the customer password when a reset token is being generated Hosted CIM EOL - update to Accept CIM
administrator3.4.1.0Bug fix - respect BCC and CC settings on order email jobs
administrator3.4.1.0Advanced search: control which product, category, manufacturer, and attribute fields are indexed
administrator3.4.1.0Google Analytics: integration with gtag.js
administrator3.4.1.0Commit category edit immediately to follow pattern of other edits
administrator3.4.0.3Integration of Google Analytics with one-page checkout AIM bug fixes
customer3.4.0.1Auto-Suggestions feature when customers use the search box
administrator3.4.0.1Integeration with Accept.js for payment tokenization
administrator3.4.0.1Fix for include all categories and content pages even they are not set to appear on the category tree
administrator3.4.0.1Ability to dictate the user locale for the store globally via the 'Store Locale' setting on the Advanced System Settings screen
developer3.4.0.1Revamped API including JSON inputs and outputs, interactive documentation, and new endpoints
developer3.4.0.1Upgrade to newest AIM API. Old name-value pairs integration still supported as legacy implementation.
developer3.4.0.1Log address validation exceptions at warn level
developer3.4.0.1AvaTax integration bug fix: send the company code with the Post Tax requests
developer3.4.0.1Set the response code to 500 if there is an exception throw for the request (only works for GET requests)
developer3.4.0.1Restrict checks in isShippingMethodOk to shipping discounts
developer3.4.0.1Upgrade of jQuery to 1.12.4
developer3.3.6.1Upgrade of PayPal API jars to support TLS 1.2 and HTTP 1.1
administrator3.3.6.1Update the Lucene index as Products, Categories, and Manufacturers are added, edited, and deleted individually (bulk operations such as imports and Power Edit still require a full reindex)
administrator3.3.6.1Fix issues with 3.3.5 upgrade scripts for postgres and mssql.
customer3.3.6.1Try to split the first and last name when retrieving order details from PayPal
customer3.3.6.1Integration with Google reCAPTCHA for user input verification
customer3.3.6.1Change label to say "Reset" lost password, not "Retrieve" if using the advanced password reset technique
administrator3.3.5.1Audit logging in the database via Hibernate Envers (see Release Notes for full details)
administrator3.3.5.1Define the maxFileSize for uploads once for the administrator, and make it 20M
administrator3.3.5.1Initialize Category Tree and Map: a setting under Look and Feel Settings -> Header, Side Panel and Welcome, to allow you to disable the loading of the category tree upon start up
administrator3.3.5.1Ability to define a shipping cutoff time for better estimated delivery dates under Shipping Configuration -> Shipping Settings
customer3.3.5.1Up the restriction of total search results for Lucene to 10000000
developer3.3.5.1Add void support for CIM integration (back end only)
developer3.3.5.1Stub method for retrieving Constant Contact lists
customer3.3.4.1Support for displaying the shipping delivery date as a date range based on FedEx's Transit Time
customer3.3.4.1Take into account weekends and holidays when presenting estimated ship dates
customer3.3.4.1Upgrade integration to Intl V2 rates for USPS international shipping
customer3.3.4.1Small fixes to support CIM API integration method in default-xhtml
customer3.3.4.1Space fix between price and name of radio button options in default-html5
customer3.3.4.1Add back link for guest checkout to default-html5 'invite login' form
administrator3.3.4.1Settings to control the sorting of facet values under each facet group (Advanced Search Settings screen)
administrator3.3.4.1Specify the Postgres or Oracle delegate class for Quartz
administrator3.3.4.1Fix issue with one-page checkout and DPM - return user to the independent payment page
administrator3.3.4.1Ability to record lost password email in the database for display in the administrator
administrator3.3.4.1Optimize the deletion of abandoned carts
administrator3.3.4.1Syntax fixes for the default 'order shipped' email template
administrator3.3.4.1Increase default max file upload size from 10M to 20M
administrator3.3.4.1Ability to manually run jobs from various jobs screens
administrator3.3.4.1Allow text file exports to be written to a file on the server in addition to downloaded through the browser
developer3.3.4.1Small syntax fixes to the SoftSlate Extender templates
developer3.3.4.1Initialize Event Bus in CommandLineSupport so events are posted during jobs
developer3.3.4.1Comment out properties in that prevent Quartz from working with Oracle
customer3.3.3.2Upgrade Postgres JDBC driver to 9.4-1200 jdbc4
customer3.3.3.1Password reset feature for customers - reset via a token sent by email
customer3.3.3.1FedEx Address Validation - ability to enable address validation during checkout via the FedEx service
customer3.3.3.1FedEx benign errors not treated as regular errors
customer3.3.3.1Support for Google analytics.js integration
customer3.3.3.1Don't display same shipping discount twice on the same order
customer3.3.3.1If on a category page, don't show facets for the current category or any of its parents
customer3.3.3.1FedEx web services api upgrade
customer3.3.3.1Don't load products under parent categories loading for breeadcrumbing purposes
customer3.3.3.1Bug fix - customers directed to home page after login in default-html5 templates
customer3.3.3.1Remove unneeded reference to customer application messages in ajax struts file
customer3.3.3.1Put Tiles defs back in core struts file not custom
customer3.3.3.1Refer to errors and messages includes as tiles, to fix double-display
customer3.3.3.1Fix faceted search categories display nesting issue
customer3.3.3.1Optimize query for category and manufacturer page products
customer3.3.3.1Typo fix in product review not enabled message key
administrator3.3.3.1Purchase Order payment option, where approved customers may pay for an order by entering a purchase order number
administrator3.3.3.1OrderSetting entity where miscellaneous information related to an order may be stored
administrator3.3.3.1Product.created field keeps track of when each product record is first created
administrator3.3.3.1RequestLog.searchString keeps track of the searches entered by customers and administrators
administrator3.3.3.1Tweak to Google product export - truncate the product code to 50 characters and add "lb" to the weight
administrator3.3.3.1Respect logRequestsToDatabase setting
administrator3.3.3.1USPS Ratev4 integration
administrator3.3.3.1Admin roles for custom settings, product reviews, and viewing/editing customer passwords
administrator3.3.3.1Skip indexed properties in exports and imports
administrator3.3.3.1Hook to add custom facets during facet indexing
administrator3.3.3.1Store logo upload role fix
extender3.3.3.1Extender bug fix for BasicProcessor
all3.3.3.1Upgrade to Hibernate 4.3.5 and Lucene 3.6.2
all3.3.3.1Add necessary hibernate ehcache factory setting to so query caching can be enabled
all3.3.3.1Avoid NPE when evicting products from the Hibernate cache
all3.3.3.1JSTL upgrade to 1.2.1
all3.3.3.1Upgrade of MySQL java driver
all3.3.3.1Refactor CommandLineSupport including support for specifying hibernate properties files as an argument
all3.3.3.1FileStorageProcessor abstract interface (default of local file storage)
all3.3.3.1Remove unneeded reference to GPL license as no included libraries use the GPL
all3.3.3.1Abstract out the Order object in AvaTaxProcessor
all3.3.3.1Copy initialized guice injector into request's business object factory
customer3.3.2.1New default templates based on HTML5 and Twitter Bootstrap ("default-html5")
customer3.3.2.1One-page checkout powered by Ajax
administrator3.3.2.1Integration with CRE Secure payment processor
administrator3.3.2.1Integration with Constant Contact
administrator3.3.2.1Integration with MailChimp
administrator3.3.2.1Use CIM to capture payments that were authorized via CRE Secure, when an order is flipped to shipped
administrator3.3.2.1Setting to turn on and off payment capture when flipping to Shipped
administrator3.3.2.1Revert redirect to original request after admin login - go back to a forward
administrator3.3.2.1Remove dupe Template/Email/EmailOptOut struts configs
administrator3.3.2.1Administrator - UI improvements to HTML description inputs
administrator3.3.2.1Administrator - Tiny MCE option for rich text editing of descriptions
administrator3.3.2.1Add back attributes and options as search facets lost in previous merge.
developer3.3.2.1Extender - Fix in Extender for admin edit actions
developer3.3.2.1Extender - Fix to appending new property to .hbm.xml file
developer3.3.2.1DAOFactory.createDAO references refactored for type safety and conciseness
developer3.3.2.1BusinessObjectFactory.createObject references refactored for type safety and conciseness
developer3.3.2.1Small refactorings of CIM
developer3.3.2.1Refactor/clean up FedExShippingProcessor
customer3.3.2.1Send order confirmation and notification emails in a separate thread
customer3.3.2.1CSS class for opt in labels on contact form
all3.3.2.1Remove support for the discontinued Google Checkout service from the application
installation3.3.2.1Insert a _welcome category during installation
administrator3.3.1.1Emails - Ability to define any number of email templates in the Administrator as Velocity templates, and to create emails based on the templates.
administrator3.3.1.1Emails - Support for storing emails sent by the application in the database.
administrator3.3.1.1Emails - Ability to send emails through the SendGrid email service.
administrator3.3.1.1Emails - Tabs under each Customer, Order, and Template display all sent emails for the customer, order, or template. Global Emails area to view all emails sent by the system.
administrator3.3.1.1Emails - Porting of JSP order shipped and order follow up emails to use new Email object.
administrator3.3.1.1Emails - Ability to send Template based emails from the order control screen.
administrator3.3.1.1Emails - Order confimation and gift certificate notification JSP emails sent through new system.
administrator3.3.1.1Jobs scheduling - Ability to define Quartz jobs and schedules in (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Jobs scheduling - Built-in job for reindexing Lucene (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Jobs scheduling - Built-in job for sending follow up emails to customers (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Jobs scheduling - Built-in job for sending 'your order has been shipped' emails to customers (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Administrator security - Change password form for admins to change their own password independently from the Administrator administrative area.
administrator3.3.1.1Administrator security - Implementation of new setting, oneWayEncryptionAlgorithm, support for legacy md5 or sha256.
administrator3.3.1.1Administrator security - Ability to lock an Administrator out after a certain number of failed login attempts (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Administrator security - Ability to force Administrators to change their password every x days (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Administrator security - Ability to enforce password rules: minimum password length, and that each password contains both a letter and number (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Administrator security - Ability to enforce that new Administrator passwords do not repeat any one of that admin's previous x passwords (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Administrator security - Ability to restrict each Administrator's logins by IP address (Enterprise Edition only).
developer3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - automatically register any method with a Subscribe annotation, and log event registrations.
developer3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - ChangingOrderEvent is posted as any order is changed; ChangedOrderEvent posted after the change.
developer3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - CapturePaymentTrigger responds to orders whose status changes to a defined status such as Shipped.
administrator3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - CIM support for capturing payments upon an order's status change.
developer3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - Error, success, and warning messages can be passed from triggers to calling Struts actions for display to users.
developer3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - ChangingSettingEvent is posted when any existing setting is changed.
developer3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - ChangingRequestLogEvent is posted when a request log is added.
administrator3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - AvaTaxTrigger can take action (Save, Post, or Commit) upon flipping an order to Shipped or some other defined status (Enterprise Edition only).
administrator3.3.1.1Events and Triggers - preventStatusChangeIfPaymentCaptureFails setting and enforcement.
developer3.3.1.1API Support - Support for remotely viewing and editing various entities via API calls (Enterprise Edition only).
developer3.3.1.1API Support - New Administrator field isApiUser flags the admin user as able to make API calls to
developer3.3.1.1API Support - Support for viewing and editing Order information via API calls.
administrator3.3.1.1Ability to define a contingency shipping method on the Shipping Configuration -> Shipping Settings screen, in case FedEx, UPS, or USPS ratings service fails.
customer3.3.1.1Site Map displaying a list of header links, the expanded category tree, anda list of footer links, accessible via
administrator3.3.1.1USPS setting to optionally strip the estimated delivery days from the new USPS shipping method names, to avoid confusion with customers.
customer3.3.1.1Including productFacets.jsp on the product page - a listing of product facets as 'specifications'.
administrator3.3.1.1Ability to specify multiple license keys in a single running instance. CIM API integration - User interface tweaks; Display the add payment pop up if no methods already exist in the customer's account.
customer3.3.1.1On the Checkout Addresses screen, prepopulate the billing email with the customer account's user name for new customers.
customer3.3.1.1Setting to default advanced search to return categories and manufacturers in addition to products, or just products.
developer3.3.1.1Interface for business objects' 'editDelete*' methods so they now return a type of Map rather than void.
developer3.3.1.1Adding scopes to Guice initialization.
developer3.3.1.1Initializing Guice (minus the Event Bus) in CommandLineSupport, outside of the servlet.
developer3.3.1.1SoftSlate Extender - Tweaks to the Extender for boilerplate Processor code; Adding Event creation to Extender; Fix syntax issues in sample
developer3.3.1.1Type safe object creation in BusinessObjectFactory and DAOFactory.
developer3.3.1.1Change return value of Settings.getValue from Object to String.
developer3.3.1.1Ajax billing edit action updates Order.lastModified and posts change events.
developer3.3.0.1Integration with Guava's EventBus, providing a simple framework for publishing and subscribing to events; NewOrderEvent and InventoryEvent added
developer3.3.0.1Low stock notification emails moved to the EventBus framework responding to InventoryEvents
developer3.3.0.1Support for optionally using Google Guice to inject business object and DAO dependencies
developer3.3.0.1The SoftSlate Extender (beta), a tool for generating code to extend the domain model of SoftSlate Commerce (see README file in com.softslate.commerce.administrator.extender package)
developer3.3.0.1Addition of .settings directory for Eclipse: allows project to be a Dynamic Web Application; suspends Eclipse validations to avoid bogus warnings
developer3.3.0.1Upgrade of PayPal API jars to their version 4.3.92
administrator3.3.0.1Lucene improvements (Enterprise Edition only): search match style and fuzziness settings (see
administrator3.3.0.1Product text file import now supports up to five product/category associations
administrator3.3.0.1Numerous improvements to AvaTax integration (Enterprise Edition only)
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: AvaTax tab for each order, allowing admins to manually view, save, post, commit and cancel transactions
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Option to use Product.extra1 as the item's tax code
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Option to use Customer.extra1 as the customer's tax exempt number
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Add setting to define which countries should be sent to AvaTax for tax calculation
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Add setting to define which states should be sent to AvaTax for tax calculation
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Add setting to define which countries should be sent to AvaTax for address validation
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Add setting to allow transactions to be Saved, Posted or Committed upon order completion
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Send item code of 'Shipping' for the shipping line
administrator3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Discounts not sent as separate line items, but subtracted from the amounts of regular line items
customer3.3.0.1AvaTax integration improvement: Skip address validation after first warning is shown to the customer
customer3.3.0.1Removal of deprecated 'default' layout, and corresponding /css/style.css and /css/style-custom.css files, for fresh installations
customer3.3.0.1Do not copy unprompted (and therefore null) address form parameters into customer's account during checkout
customer3.3.0.1Integration of cart details with PayPal Express Checkout, allowing customers to see the cart information on PayPal's form
customer3.3.0.1Option for the customer to pay vi PayPal Express Checkout without creating a PayPal account
customer3.3.0.1Trim user name during registration CIM non-hosted integration via API calls to the CIM service, allowing merchants to use CIM while having full control of the payment form CIM Hosted integration via embedded iframe, popup window, or full browser redirect CIM Hosted integration allowing customers to manage multiple payment profiles and select previous profiles during checkout
customer3.2.7.1Ability for customers to define and manage multiple shipping addresses in their account
customer3.2.7.1Support for three levels of JSP customizations - custom, common, and default
customer3.2.7.1New setting to define the common directory, "commonLayout", where custom templates shared by multiple other directories can be placed
customer3.2.7.1Send customer's ip address to (AIM integration)
customer3.2.7.1New template used on list pages to display any facets selected by the user, linked so the facets can be removed from the search
customer3.2.7.1Refresh customer object from database before account actions, preventing admin changes from being overwritten when customers use account forms
administrator3.2.7.1Visibility of BasicImportProcessor properties widened
administrator3.2.7.1Redirect, rather and forward, to the original request after logging into the administrator
administrator3.2.7.1DOM id fix in option quick add form
installer3.2.7.1Installer populates http for the url settings if the server name is "localhost"
all3.2.7.1Fix for settings being emptied out in Enterprise Edition during license check when hit with a non-valid domain name
all3.2.7.1Tweak to eliminate bogus logging error on start up
customer3.2.6.3Refactor Lucene searcher to reuse same IndexSearcher accross threads
customer3.2.6.3Fix where TaxonomyReader was not being closed after each search, causing "too many open files" error
customer3.2.6.3Removed unused score field from productListRows.jsp
customer3.2.6.3Better padding on page numbers on the product list when there are mutliple rows of page numbers
customer3.2.6.3Fix for non-Ajax form action for faceted search - did not work if app installed under a subdirectory
customer3.2.6.3Fix for setting customerSecureURL in javascriptCommonVariables.jsp
customer3.2.6.3Adjustments for 2013 USPS API changes including TM marks and changes in service names
all3.2.6.3Test data for custom facets
administrator3.2.6.2Product weight added to Google Base XML feed
administrator3.2.6.2Attributes and options can be facets
customer3.2.6.2Hide Refine button for faceted search if Ajax is enabled
all3.2.6.2Store the application-scope category map as a sorted map
customer3.2.6.1Faceted search feature
customer3.2.6.1Enterprise license changes - each license can be used on mulitple clustered servers serving the same domain name
customer3.2.6.1Don't load product review on the product page if the global setting is turned off
customer3.2.6.1Card type supressed if deriveCardTypeFromNumber setting set
customer3.2.6.1JCB and Diner's Club numbers are now derived
customer3.2.6.1For product reviews, a rating is still required but a written review is not
customer3.2.6.1Separate product review thank you page so submission can be secure
all3.2.6.1Upgrade to Lucene 3.6.1
administrator3.2.6.1Specify orderNumberSequence for sscOrderNumber, to fix issue with sequential order numbers in postgres
administrator3.2.6.1Ability to restrict the same customer from reviewing the same product more than once
administrator3.2.6.1Suppress display of shippping discounts on overview page as their value is ingrained in the shipping cost
administrator3.2.6.1JSP fix for enterprise edition settings
administrator3.2.5.1Refactor arrayRemove
administrator3.2.5.1Add OrderItem.costTotal to order item details screen
administrator3.2.5.1Fixes to duplicating orders where discounts attached to the order threw exceptions
administrator3.2.5.1Fix for adding a discount under a product where a SKU for the product does not already exist
administrator3.2.5.1Better method of transmitting order items to Google Analytics
administrator3.2.5.1Add spaces in sort parameters on Administrator control screens for trimSpaces support
administrator3.2.5.1Administrator buttons with rounded corners and more padding
administrator3.2.5.1Adding OrderItem.costTotal to order item details screen, fixing bug where that value would be wiped out upon saving that screen
customer3.2.5.1Fixing the display of links in the footer - no wrapping, and point to customerURL rather than secureURL.
customer3.2.5.1Fixes to duplicating orders where discounts attached to the order threw exceptions, affects picking up saved carts, and reordering past orders
customer3.2.5.1Cross-site request forgery token added to sensitive forms to ensure the form submission comes from the site itself
all3.2.5.1Tweak to orange crush/admin area buttons
all3.2.5.1Ability to build a standalone version leveraging Winstone; other build script changes; Javadoc updates
all3.2.5.1JUnit and Mockito added to project; test target added to build.xml; TestSupport file added for constructing unit tests
all3.2.5.1Third-party licensing updates
all3.2.5.1New licensing model: Community Edition and Enterprise Edition; separate source folder for Enterprise Edition classes; License key setting screen and license key messages in Administrator
customer3.2.4.1Fix to bug where the default option was not properly set in the add to cart form
customer3.2.4.1Forms changed to links in customer account area to prevent browser warnings when clicking to pick up a saved cart or download a file
customer3.2.4.1Save Cart button appears if customer is not logged in; redirects to log in/create account page before saving the cart
customer3.2.4.1Fix for recently changed name of First Class shipping method in the USPS API, fixing bug where First Class option did not appear
customer3.2.4.1Back end support for updating the quantities of multiple items in the cart at once
customer3.2.4.1'Your order has shipped' emails now include the order's tracking number, if present, linked to USPS, UPS, or FedEx
administrator3.2.4.1Adding newly required g:availability element to Google Base export
administrator3.2.4.1Fix for country name for South Korea, corresponding to USPS API
administrator3.2.4.1Ability to prevent customers from 'stacking' coupons, ie, applying more than one coupon per order, through a setting on the Discounts -> Discount Settings screen. (By default customers are allowed to stack coupons.)
administrator3.2.4.1Ability to define a cutoff time for FedEx shipments, on the FedEx Shipping settings screen, after which the order is considered as going out the next day, for the purposes of displaying the 'Estimate Delivery Date'
administrator3.2.4.1Better separation of admin vs. customer 'default layout'; bug fix of issue where admin requests that pull in customer-side JSP templates, such as the Send Order Emails tool, did not use the customer-side "Default Layout"
administrator3.2.4.1Back end support for sending emails with attachments
administrator3.2.4.1customerID now viewable and editable on the Order Details screen
customer3.2.3.1Product additional images feature: ability for administrators to upload any number of additional images for each product, which are displayed under the main image on the product page. (Product Details -> More... -> Additional Images tab).
customer3.2.3.1JDK 1.5 required. With the addition of the imgscalr library, the system now requires JDK 1.5 compliance
administrator3.2.3.1Bug fixed where Lucene reindexing failed on Windows (searcher object file handles not closed)
all3.2.3.1CharacterEncodingFilter servlet filter introduced, allowing form input to be encoded according to the Character Encoding setting.
installer3.2.2.2Bug fix causing database initialization error due to duplicate First Data settings being inserted
administrator3.2.2.2Support for both new and legacy formats of the Google Analytics tracking code's ecommerce tracking feature
administrator3.2.2.1Integration with First Data Global Gateway payment processor
administrator3.2.2.1Text file export for Customers added
administrator3.2.2.1When adding Products, Discounts, and other entities where a "Code" is required, the code will be automatically generated from the name if it is left blank
administrator3.2.2.1Option to derive the credit card type (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) from the number without making the customer enter it. (Under Payment Configuration -> Payment Settings.)
administrator3.2.2.1In Froogle (Google Base) export and Google Sitemaps export, the URL is constructed correctly using the SEO code for each product, if present
administrator3.2.2.1Image preview links appear next to image fields in the Administrator
administrator3.2.2.1Bug fix causing payment records to be encrypted according to the encryption setting for customer passwords, when payment records were edited in the admin area
administrator3.2.2.1Bug fix causing an empty screen in the File Downloads tab for products, if no descriptions were entered for the files
customer3.2.2.1Bug fix that caused NullPointerException errors during processing of shipping discounts
customer3.2.2.1Bug fix that caused the order's weight to appear to be zero to the shipping processors when more than one shipping rule applied to the order
administrator3.2.1.0A new screen allowing administrators to enter and process a new order from scratch, from the Administrator
administrator3.2.1.0The BasicShippingProcessor will recognize a special Shipping Method with a code of "gift_certificates_only". If a method with that code exists and the cart consists only of gift certificates, it will be returned as a valid method regardless of the other parameters of the method. (Useful when the product's weight field cannot be used to distinguish gift certificates from other products.)
administrator3.2.1.0Link to view all of a customer's orders from the bottom of the Order Overview screen
administrator3.2.1.0Default Admin Items Per Page setting controls the number of records to display per page by default on all of the control screens (set to 15 records initially)
administrator3.2.1.0Fix in Google Base (Froogle) export, where selecting the XML format still downloaded the tab-delimited format
customer3.2.1.0Improved design of the gift certificate emails, and the gift certificate email templates are now included in the old default set of templates
customer3.2.1.0All generated gift certificate codes are now all upper-case
customer3.2.1.0SessionLockFilter servlet filter introduced, providing a session lock around the entire Hibernate session to avoid 'object associated with two open session' errors
customer3.2.1.0ul and ol lists get the regular left margin inside the inner content block of all pages
customer3.2.1.0Empty line removed from end of downloadFile.jsp
customer3.2.1.0Failsafe changes to the queries for a customer's order history, to auto login a customer, and to auto load a customer's cart, to make doubly sure a customer cannot view any other customer's information.
customer3.2.1.0Ability for a customer to remove a Saved Cart from his saved cart list
customer3.2.1.0All instances of fmt:parseDate tag in the default-xhtml layout now use en_US locale to avoid errors in parsing system-generated dates
all3.2.1.0In build.xml, all files matching *.jar in the lib directory are now included in the compile path rather than a list of specific jar files
administrator3.2.0.3Allowing SKU discounts with zero amount to be added to an order (useful if the discount represents something other than a break on the price)
administrator3.2.0.3Bug where the parentCategory field gets renamed to parent fixed
administrator3.2.0.3Shipping method object stored in shipping options Map from BasicShippingProcessor
administrator3.2.0.3New setting to optionally validate addresses in AvaTaxProcessor before the tax lookup
administrator3.2.0.3Address line 2 fix in AvaTaxProcessor Direct Post Method integration
administrator3.2.0.3Shipping discounts - ability to define a discount that is applied against the customer's shipping cost
administrator3.2.0.3Maintenance tool to prune request log entries older than x number of days
administrator3.2.0.3Interface in the Administrator for displaying the Request Log, and links to it from customers and order
administrator3.2.0.3Ability to store the customer and administrator request log in the database (in addition to log files)
administrator3.2.0.3Bug fix for deleting products that are in wish lists
administrator3.2.0.3Rounding fix in PayPalExpressProcessor
administrator3.2.0.3Tweaks to FedExShippingProcessor; Help links for FedEx.
administrator3.2.0.3Display of purchased gift certificate codes on Order Overview
administrator3.2.0.3Cancelled orders excluded from sales report
all3.2.0.3Rollback executed after Hibernate AssertionFailures in addition to other Hibernate exceptions
all3.2.0.3JDK 1.4 compliance tweaks.
customer3.2.0.3Fix for USPS garbage characters in shipping method names
customer3.2.0.3Ability to display pricing for options with negative amounts
customer3.2.0.3Spacing added to various templates in order to support Tomcat's trimSpaces configuration
customer3.2.0.3Bug fixed where shipping option name was XML-escaped on cart page
customer3.2.0.3Bug fixed where last visited category did not show up in sidebar on home page
customer3.2.0.3Original request for any customer account screen is preserved after redirecting to the login screen
customer3.2.0.3Page numbers displayed with a button style by default
customer3.2.0.3Support for View All function on category, manufacturer, search results, and product list pages
installer3.2.0.3ON DELETE CASCADE added to Postgres foreign keys where appropriate
all3.2.0.2Commons File Upload upgraded to 1.2.2 (commons-fileupload.jar)
all3.2.0.2FedEx rating service integration
administrator3.2.0.2Fix to bug where discounts could not be loaded if an order item representing a gift certificate was deleted
all3.2.0.1Wish list feature added
customer3.2.0.1Emailer errors logged at lower level
administrator3.2.0.1Fixing Store Messages bug where reverting to the default message does not get saved
administrator3.2.0.1New setting, 'checkPaymentProcessorMessage' determines the message customers see on the invoice when choosing to pay by check. Defaults to 'User elected to pay by check.'
administrator3.2.0.1Fix for Add Item tool on Order Overview screen for when there are more than 1,000 products
customer3.1.8.3Hibernate session closed error fixed when using a Gift Certificate
customer3.1.8.3Gift Certifcate notification email bugs fixed
all3.1.8.3New method added for customizations to use if needed: DAOFactory.rollbackTransactionKeepingSessionOpen()
all3.1.8.3BusinessObjectsUtils.roundForMoney method now used correctly in several additional spots
all3.1.8.2Postgres installation script and upgrade process bugs fixed that were related to Gift Certificates
all3.1.8New database table, sscOrderNumber, and corresponding business object used to generate sequential order numbers, fixing bug that in rare cases resulted in duplicate order numbers
all3.1.8Ability for customers to purchase a gift certificate. (If upgrading, run /WEB-INF/classes/resources/product/insert.sql to create an inactive Gift Certificate product which you may then make active.)
all3.1.8Personalized message sent in an email with other gift certificate detials when purchased.
all3.1.8New setting, 'Exclude Gift Certificates From Discounts?' removes value of gift certificates being purchased during discount calculation.
all3.1.8BusinessObjectsUtils.roundForMoney method now used correctly in BasicTaxRateProcessor
all3.1.8Order item's total set to zero if the isTaxed flag is false in AvaTaxProcessor
all3.1.8Customer's zip code limited to first five digits in the request to USPS live rates to conform to USPS's API
all3.1.8Apache Axis (axis.jar) upgraded to version 1.4 (Axis 1).
administrator3.1.7Improvements to request flow of Order Overview Ajax functions (OrderEditFormAction called after each function)
administrator3.1.7SKU text file import bug fix - if seoCode was not part of the import, it was getting wiped out in existing records
administrator3.1.7Minor fix to formatting of low stock inventory emails
administrator3.1.7Passwords appear appropriately on customer detail screen and adminstrator detail screen in the admin area
administrator3.1.7Drop down menus of categories now ordered by the category name in admin interface
administrator3.1.7Ability to upload small and large Option images through the Option detail screen
customer3.1.7HTML span element added as a wrapper around all user-side buttons so they may be customized through CSS alone
customer3.1.7Fix to check out breadcrumbing for combined address and shipping screen, if shipping is not required
customer3.1.7Product's short description used in meta/description tag, not the full description
all3.1.7Upgrade to commons-codec.jar
all3.1.7New BusinessObjectsUtils.roundForMoney method employing Math.round used everywhere in place of Math.rint
all3.1.7Ability to specify alternate file through the "hibernate.configuration" system property (eg,
all3.1.7Ability to specify alternate file through the "appSettings.configuration" system property (eg,
all3.1.7CartProcessor.postProcessCartChanged method hook added
all3.1.7Advanced Search (Lucene) indexer handles products with null names
all3.1.7Work around to Struts quirk where stacktraces of exceptions were trimmed
installer3.1.7SoftSlate Emailer settings were missing from database initialization scripts (now added to resources/core/insert.sql)
installer3.1.7Fix to default value of class field in sscCategorySetting in the MySQL and MSSQL database initialization scripts
installer3.1.7sscCategorySetting.mediumValue field incorrectly defined as varchar(100) rather than varchar(255) in database initialization scripts for Postgres and Oracle
administrator3.1.6Email follow ups: ability to send a customer or group of customers an email from a list of email templates, from the order control screen
administrator3.1.6Character encoding setting now respected in the HTML order confirmation emails
administrator3.1.6New SMTP port number setting allows you to define a port for outgoing email messages other than the default port 25
administrator3.1.6TLS/SSL protocol used for outgoing email messages if the SMTP port is 465
administrator3.1.6When run from the category control screen, the category sorter only sorts categories; when run from the content pages control screen, it only sorts content pages
administrator3.1.6Ability to restrict the category sorter to sort just the subcategories under a given parent category
administrator3.1.6Upgrade to Java Mail 1.4.3
customer3.1.6Bug fixed where auto login worked only when auto save last cart was enabled
customer3.1.6Font size adjusted lower in default order confirmation emails
customer3.1.6Missing <br> tags added to billing and delivery address form templates
customer3.1.6In the Advanced (Lucene) Search, smoother handling of records that were removed from the database but not the search index (the objects are skipped over rather than an exception thrown on screen)
customer3.1.6If PayPal Express is the only active payment option, the "force login" setting will force customers to log in or create an account after returning from PayPal
customer3.1.6Bug fix when customer clears his cart after returning from PayPal - PayPal's session info also cleared
customer3.1.6"Invoice Number" message corrected to say "Tracking Number" on order invoices
all3.1.5.3All Hibernate exceptions now thrown to the calling process after rollback, not just constraint violations
customer3.1.5.3Bug fixed where picking up a saved cart failed to create all SKU discounts for the items in the cart
customer3.1.5.3Bug fixed where picking up a saved cart failed to assign selected attributes to the order items correctly
all3.1.5Integration with SoftSlate Emailer email marketing management service
customer3.1.5Space added to top of billing address on account addresses screen to allow it to line up with the delivery address
customer3.1.5Breadcrumbing fix for when the Welcome screen is resprented by a categor with code _welcome. Duplicate welcome links removed from the breadcrumbing.
customer3.1.5On the product detail page, the default quantity has been changed from 0 to 1
administrator3.1.5During Advanced Search (Lucene) indexing, opening "A"s, "An"s and "The"s are ignored for sorting by product, category, or manufacturer name
administrator3.1.5On the Order control screen, the order's completed date was added to the list of searchable fields so you can filter orders by the date
administrator3.1.5Alternate tab-delimited format added to the Froogle Export (Google Base) under Imports and Exports -> Froogle Export
administrator3.1.5For the SKU text file import, if the inventory level has .00 decimals, they are chopped off rather than triggering an error
administrator3.1.5Inventory processing now done when Google Checkout sends a new order notification; merchant calc callback disabled due to apparent bugs in Google
administrator3.1.5Various minor Google Checkout and PayPal Express Checkout improvements
administrator3.1.5The Administrator's side menu now expands as soon as it is rendered (you no longer have to wait for the entire page to load)
installer3.1.5Bug fix in Oracle database initialization script - duplicate key for Attribute.attributCode
customer3.1.4Width of side panel increased in base.css from 170 to 200 pixels, in recognition of wider browser sizes
administrator3.1.4New Advanced Search setting 'Include Subcategory Products' allows administrators to display all the products associated with subcategories on the category page in addition to those associated with the category itself
administrator3.1.4The built-in contact form email comes from the user's email now as opposed to the store's email address
administrator3.1.4Bug fixed where USPS first class international would not appear as a option
administrator3.1.4For categories and content pages, the name that appears as the headline for the page may be overridden under the 'Settings' tab
customer3.1.3Form submission buttons centered on various checkout screens in default-xhtml layout
customer3.1.3Prices right-aligned on product list pages and invoices in default-xhtml layout
customer3.1.3Canadian provinces coming from PayPal converted to appropriate two-character codes, fixing issue with UPS
administrator3.1.3Fixing bugs with 'Print this order's x' links at bottom of Order Overview screen
administrator3.1.3RelatedProduct.relatedType exposed as an editable field on the Product -> Related control screen (no built-in functionality attached to it but may be useful for customizations)
administrator3.1.3Adding /administrator/style-custom.css, a stylesheet where custom Administrator styles may be placed
administrator3.1.2.2Bug fixed where 'Category Tree?' flag was not being updated using power edit on the category or content page control panel screen
administrator3.1.2Gift certificates added as a new type of discount. As distinct from coupons, gift certificates apply against shipping and taxes in addition to the order items and may be used to pay completely for an order. (Use the Gift Certificate option under the What Items Does This Discount Apply To? prompt when configuring a discount.)
administrator3.1.2New Font Size setting on the Look and Feel Settings -> General Display Settings screen controls the font size used throughout the customer interface.
administrator3.1.2Support for displaying highlighted search excerpts with the Lucene Highlighter, which may be enabled through the Advanced Search -> Advanced Search Settings screen.
administrator3.1.2Support for the Lucene Snowball Analyzer, which may be enabled through the Advanced Search -> Advanced Search Settings screen.
administrator3.1.2Lucene upgraded to 2.4.1.
administrator3.1.2Integration with AvaTax for real-time, dynamic tax processing during checkout.
administrator3.1.2Bug fixed where the activePaymentTemplates setting was lost when saving components from the Store Settings -> Components screen
administrator3.1.2Bug fixed when attempting to filter discount records using a number on the discount control screen.
all3.1.1.4Logging tweaks in HibernateDaoFactory.
administrator3.1.1.4Fixes to bugs preventing upgrades from running under certain circumstances.
administrator3.1.1.4Links to add options under Compact and Expanded attributes provided upon adding the attribute and viewing the detail screen for it.
administrator3.1.1.4Error messages prevent administrators from deactivating all tax, shipping, or payment processors and provide instructions for how to skip each type of processing.
all3.1.1"Content Page" feature added for creating ad hoc pages incorporated into the site with any content desired
administrator3.1.1Ability to configure the layout used for product, category, and content pages (with or without a sidebar)
administrator3.1.1Ability to define additional SEO fields for products, categories and content fields, including title tags and meta descriptions
administrator3.1.1Ability to define which links appear in the navigation areas of the header and footer, separately, from the Look and Feel Settings -> Header, Side Panel and Welcome screen
administrator3.1.1Ability to define which categories and content pages appear as links in the header and footer, from the Look and Feel Settings -> Header, Side Panel and Welcome screen
administrator3.1.1Tool added to purge the database of credit card information (found under Maintenance and Upgrades -> Card Info Clean Up)
administrator3.1.1Fix to bug related to Google Base (Froogle) export image tags
administrator3.1.1Bug fixed related to manufacturer and primary category form fields on the product control screen and detail screen
administrator3.1.1Design Editor pop ups for product, manufacturer, category, and content page descriptions
administrator3.1.1The welcome page may be replaced by adding a Content Page with a code of '_welcome'
customer3.1.1Visiting the welcome page collapses the category tree
administrator3.1.0.3Bugs related to using Power Edit on the Category and Product control screens fixed
all3.1.0Upgrade to Struts 1.3.10 (struts-core.jar and associated jar files and tld files)
installer3.1.0Default logging level for application classes set to INFO now rather than DEBUG
installer3.1.0Changes made during installation to /WEB-INF/classes/ and hibernate.properites are copied also to the same files under /WEB-INF/src, if they exist, to keep things in sync
administrator3.1.0Changes to Components settings now are written to /WEB-INF/src/, if it exists, in addition to the same file under /WEB-INF/classes, to keep things in sync
administrator3.1.0Adding buttons to the top of the order control screen to work with orders of each of the possible order statuses
administrator3.1.0Drop down menus to update statuses and print invoices from the order control screen reworked
administrator3.1.0Sensitive settings such as payment gateway passwords updated to a new setting "value type" of "encryptedValue", which encrypts the setting in the database
administrator3.1.0Functions having to do with managing settings moved from AdministratorProcessor to com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.core.Settings
administrator3.1.0Payflow Pro integration updated to use the new 4.3 API from PayPal. payflow.jar added, Verisign.jar removed
administrator3.1.0New interface in the admin area added to edit the Store Messages that appear throughout the customer interface
customer3.1.0Payflow Pro bug fixed where Comment1, Comment2, and other optional parameters were not successfully passed to Payflow Pro
customer3.1.0Bug fixed where the "Add to Cart" button was missing on product list pages if the last item listed was out of stock
customer3.0.4.2Marking of the order number at the very end of checkout separated into its own method call and wrapped in an application-scope lock
customer3.0.4.2Conditional on cart page fixed that caused the estimated shipping form to be displayed when it shouldn't
administrator3.0.4New extra fields, 'created' and 'amount' fields for payments
administrator3.0.4New fields for shipping methods
administrator3.0.4Bug fixed where two product SKUs could exist for the same product in the database
customer3.0.4New 'number of days to ship' field for shipping methods used to display the estimated delivery date to customers during checkout
customer3.0.4New form to ask customer for delivery information on cart page, for estimated shipping calculation (enable with new setting under Shipping Configuration -> Shipping Settings)
administrator3.0.3.4"Go" buttons combined into one on order control screen
customer3.0.3.4Bug fixed where active shipping rules were being applied in some circumstances
customer3.0.3.4If a customer selects a shipping method and then comes back to the shipping (or combo) screen, his selection will be pre-selected
customer3.0.3.4In the UPS processor, the package weight is set to 0.5 if it is more than zero and less than 0.5, to meet UPS's requirement
customer3.0.3.4In the UPS processor, the package is skipped entirely if the weight is equal to zero.
customer3.0.3.4More user-friendly error message appears on the shipping screen if no shipping options are available
customer3.0.3.4Javascript 'submit once' check removed from combo form if a confirm screen comes after it
administrator3.0.3.3Inclusion of .js scripts in Admin area optimized
all3.0.3.3Option names used on cart page, invoices, and the order overview screen, rather than option codes
all3.0.3.2Eclipse project settings tested under Europa and Ganymede
installer3.0.3.2Image paths to demo attribute images fixed
customer3.0.3.2Bug fixed where exception was shown to customers when a non-numeric quantity was entered for the Add to Cart form
administrator3.0.3New Advanced Search setting 'Add Attributes and Options to Index' indexes attribute and option codes, names and descriptions
administrator3.0.3Ajax order management tools added to order overview screen: Add/Remove item; Update billing/shipping info; Change shipping method; Add/Remove coupon
all3.0.3Copy and alter method added to Settings object to help with customizations
all3.0.3Yahoo! User Interface Ajax library version 2.7.0 added
all3.0.3New computeApplicableTaxRate method added to BasicTaxProcessor, which may be called independently of a given order
all3.0.3AuthorizeNetProcessor now stores amount and type of each payment transaction
all3.0.3Methods from CartAddAction and CheckoutAction delegated to new CheckoutUtils and ActionUtils for greater flexiblity in customizing
all3.0.3BasicCartProcessor.processEditItem can now process the editing of multiple cart items at once
all3.0.2.3In, c3p0.breakAfterAcquireFailure set to false so application tries to reconnect to db if it goes down
all3.0.2.3Character encoding defined in settings set on the request object as well as the response object
administrator3.0.2.3Bug fixed where when exporting categories the max productID was used instead of max categoryID
administrator3.0.2Store logo upload settings form fixed to allow you to simply enter a path to the image
customer3.0.2More UPS errors displayed to users so they have an opportunity to correct their delivery address
installer3.0.2Eclipse .project, .classpath, and .settings files included with distributions.
installer3.0.2/WEB-INF/src directory included with Free Edition, with the com directory the only excluded directory
all3.0.2Customer and Administrator audit logs new record the HTTP referrer and the full, original URL of each hit
all3.0.2Upgrade to Log4j 1.2.15
all3.0.1.11Fixed issue where was rewritten on every server restart, causing the context to be reloaded if the context was configured to reload on any class file change. This caused an infinite loop of reloads for contexts configured to automatically reload. Now it will only rewrite the file once.
administrator3.0.1.11For Lucence Advanced Search, indexing Product.order as an integer to speed up sorting.
administrator3.0.1.11Fixing rare bug affecting product and category control screens related to the "parent" and "primaryCategory" fields.
administrator3.0.1.10Settings are reloaded into the application scope whenever they are edited in bulk from the control screen
customer3.0.1.10When more than one discount with an expiration date applies to a product, the earliest date is displayed on the product page
customer3.0.1.10Advanced searches use Product.productOrder field to determine the sort whenever another sort is not specified, and as the secondary sort when one is
customer3.0.1.10Bug fixed in discount query that had resulted in "ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB" error
administrator3.0.1.9Checkboxes made to line up under the "Displayed Columns" section of the control screens, and other admin area look and feel refinements
administrator3.0.1.9Bug fixed in resend emails form where the emails were not successfully sent
customer3.0.1.9USPS first class shipping method now defaults to the 'Parcel' rates instead of 'Flat'
administrator3.0.1.6Adding ability to do "update only" and "insert only" imports
administrator3.0.1.6Strike-through pricing on the product and product list pages handles multiple discounts for the same product appropriately.
administrator3.0.1.6Bug fixed where the total of discounts for an order item is limited to that item's total.
administrator3.0.1Bug fixed in unassigning products from categories that have a mixture of products that have the category as its primary category and other products.
administrator3.0.1Bug fixed where superusers and administrators were not allowed to save tax, shipping, and payment settings
administrator3.0.1Bug fixed where credit card numbers were not being decrypted on the payment screen
administrator3.0.1Adding new roles for each of the settings screens, and for viewing the welcome screen
administrator3.0.1Admin menu and tab menus fixed so that only links the user has permission for are displayed
administrator3.0.1Eliminating duplicate returned rows from the order export
administrator3.0.1Order export form now uses pop up calendars
administrator3.0.1When the admin user requests an action he does have permission for, a user-friendly error message is now diplayed
administrator3.0.1Removing whitespace from navigationLookup.jsp
administrator3.0.1Making the control screen counts distinct on the IDs so Products -> Discounts works when there are multiple skus from the same product assigned to the discount
administrator3.0.1Credit cards numbers are now being decrypted in the order export
administrator3.0.1Admin area fixes to the Discounts breadcrumb and SKU control screen
administrator3.0.1Admin area fixes to several Delete forms, where the parent record was lost upon submitting
administrator3.0.1Unsafe characters error message now displays what the unsafe character is
administrator3.0.1Disabling struts-menu plug in
administrator3.0.1Fixing edit mode for the order control screen
customer3.0.1New features related to the cart page integrated into the legacy default cart.jsp template
customer3.0.1Escaping HTML tags in the error and message templates, to avoid XSS issues
customer3.0.1User names are now case insensitive for customers when they log in
customer3.0.1UPS shipping method names not getting into the new Order.shippingMethod field
customer3.0.1Edit order item validation pulled inside synchronized block in CartItemEditAction
all3.0.1Fixing loop through components to capture all defaults for Hibernate mappings
all3.0.1Adding Category.categoryLevel, an informational field denoting the depth of the category in the category tree.
all3.0.1Using maxRecordsProcessed to prevent infinite recursive processing of the category tree
all3.0.1New maxItemsPerOrder field limits number of items that can be placed in the cart, to prevent DOS attacks
customer3.0.0New 'Upsell Related Products on Cart Page' setting for displaying related products on the cart page
customer3.0.0New 'Display Categories on Welcome Screen' setting to display top-level categories in the center of the welcome screen
customer3.0.0New 'Strike through Prices' setting for products where a discount applies, on product and product list pages
customer3.0.0New display settings allowing for more fine-tuned control of the side panel
customer3.0.0New 'Product List Display Format' allows you to choose rows or columns
customer3.0.0New 'Number of Columns on Product List Pages' allows you to choose the number of columns for product lists
customer3.0.0Ability to display global discounts in the side panel
customer3.0.0Ability to display discounts that would take effect if the product were ordered on the product page
customer3.0.0Fix to the 'Search Results Page Size' - the number of items now matches the corresponding setting in the Administrator
customer3.0.0Fixed bug in Account Password screen JSP template under the "default" layout (password.jsp)
customer3.0.0Ability to display estimated shipping costs on the cart page after adding or editing cart items
customer3.0.0Suppressing the display of the term 'Basic:' on the shipping options screen during checkout
customer3.0.0Fixed bug where all shipping rules were applied when customer selected 'Other' for his state
customer3.0.0The default meta keywords and description is now overridden only when those fields are populated for the product or category
customer3.0.0Fix made to the formatting of the shipping amount sent to
customer3.0.0Fixes made to the links behind the Google Checkout buttons
customer3.0.0Discounts no longer reprocessed upon order completion
all3.0.0New files stores any new or altered components
all3.0.0New costTotal fields for OrderItem and OrderItemAttribute
all3.0.0Upgrade to JSTL 1.1 .tld files; including fn.tld
all3.0.0Upgrade to Lucene 2.4.0
all3.0.0Eliminating incorrect order shipping rule and order discount contraints from Oracle and Postgres
all3.0.0Default algorithm for the two-way encryption key changed from DES to AES (DES is still in use for upgraded stores)
all3.0.0In the build directory, the servlet.jar (2.3 api) was replaced with servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar (2.4 api)
all3.0.0Added lazy="false" to the Hibernate mappings files to allow casting of custom beans
all3.0.0Default file includes new "audit" logs for each hit made by customers and administrators
all3.0.0Fix for issue where removing discounts or shipping rules could leave orphaned records in database
all3.0.0Updating JSP templates to avoid errors with the new specification as implemented by Tomcat 6.0.18
administrator3.0.0Revamped Administrator interface including new look and feel; new organization; and in-line help
administrator3.0.0Administrator settings completely reorganized. New "Settings Index" added to help find settings.
administrator3.0.0Added order, product, and category 'overview' screens to admin area, for easier editing and management
administrator3.0.0New 'Quick Add' forms appear on various control screen to assist with store maintenance and set up
administrator3.0.0New features on the order control screen to update and print multiple orders at once
administrator3.0.0New toggle on the order control screen allows you to view Completed or Incomplete orders
administrator3.0.0Ability to clone products and optionally the attributes and options under them
administrator3.0.0New reports section of the admin area offers Sales by Product and Monthly Sales reports
administrator3.0.0Integrated contact form that may be included on the Contact Us page; configurable under Store Settings -> Contact Form
administrator3.0.0Google Analytics ecommerce tracking integration under Store Settings -> Tracking
administrator3.0.0Integration added for the Paypoint payment gateway
administrator3.0.0Added the ability to order products within categories separately from the global ordering
administrator3.0.0Added the ability to order attributes within products separately from the global ordering
administrator3.0.0Added the ability to order related products under parent products separately from the global ordering
administrator3.0.0SKUs may now be exported and imported along with products, categories, attributes, and options
administrator3.0.0As new records are added or edited, validation checks are made against the database and helpful messages displayed
administrator3.0.0Large amount of clean up and refactoring of Administrator JSP templates to leverage CSS and JSTL better
administrator3.0.0New system for defining and displaying breadcrumbing, the side navigation, and other areas of the Administrator
administrator3.0.0Changes made to how the control screen parameters are stored in the session: only items per page and display fields stored
administrator3.0.0Custom Settings now filterable, sortable, etc.
administrator3.0.0New shipping method field added to the main Order entity; setting to use it instead of the OrderDelivery's
administrator3.0.0Administrator passwords with one-way encryption may now be updated
administrator3.0.0Validating for unsafe characters in various code fields
administrator3.0.0New maxRecordsProcessed and maxAdminRecordsToDisplay fields employed to ensure no runaway processes
administrator3.0.0Fixed issue where max file upload size of 10MB was not respected
administrator3.0.0Ability to define a manufacturer as a drop shipper, with an address, email and phone
administrator3.0.0Support in UPS and USPS for querying rates originating from multiple drop shippers
administrator3.0.0New 'Reject Non-Secure Administrator Requests' setting for preventing non-secure access to the Administrator
administrator3.0.0New type of discount reward: x number of a particular SKU or SKUs for free
administrator3.0.0Ability to require that a certain product or products be in the cart for a discount to be valid
administrator3.0.0Category sorter and product sorter optimized for large data sets, option to sort by code added
administrator3.0.0Lucene reindex function preserves the current index until the reindex is complete, and saves the old index
administrator3.0.0Bug fixed that prevented multiple products with empty SEO code fields from being added in Postgres
administrator3.0.0New Product List SEO marker goes to main product list (
administrator3.0.0Manufacturer SEO marker alone on the URL now goes to main manufacturers list (
administrator3.0.0Fixing the display of the customer invoice when 'Display Invoice' link clicked from Administrator
administrator3.0.0Fixing the 'Send Order Emails' function to respect the form settings when using default-xhtml layout
administrator3.0.0New form allows administrators to generate the two-way encryption key from the admin area
administrator3.0.0Optimizations made to control screens affecting MySQL response times for large datasets
administrator3.0.0New ssc:insert tag used in place of tiles:insert in the Administrator templates
administrator3.0.0New 'Character Encoding' field allow you to set the character encoding in the Administrator
administrator3.0.0New SEO setting 'Include Category Codes in Product URLs' so you can keep the categories off the URLs

Table A.2. Change Log - Version 2.x

administrator2.3.5New SEO Code field added for products: it may be used instead of the product code for SEO URLs
administrator2.3.5Better handling of image paths in the Froogle export
administrator2.3.5Text boxes on various admin screens made larger
administrator2.3.5Ability to validate administrator logins with image text verification (Jcaptcha integraion)
administrator2.3.5Lucene reindexing not triggered immediately after logging in after timeout occurs
administrator2.3.5Optimized the Lucene reindexing action to better handle tens of thousands of products
all2.3.5Classes supporting the Lucene advanced search reorganized for a more flexible API
all2.3.5Fixed bug where 'Illegal attempt' error thrown in rare cases when form buttons were double-clicked
customer2.3.5Ability to validate new accounts with image text verification (Jcaptcha integraion)
customer2.3.5Ability to validate credit card info with image text verification (Jcaptcha integraion)
customer2.3.5Allow Auto Logins for Customers' option added to Settings -> System ('Remember Me' checkbox)
customer2.3.5Automatically Save Last Cart' option added to Settings -> System (Saves customers' last cart)
customer2.3.5Remove button added next to each cart item on the cart page
customer2.3.5Shipping options sorted by lowest price to highest on checkout screens
customer2.3.5Miscellaneous fixes and more thorough testing for PayPal UK integration
customer2.3.4Adding the ability to sort products by name when using Advanced Search
customer2.3.4UPS expected delivery date added to shipping options screen
customer2.3.4Bug fixed where Google Checkout failed when shipping is not required
customer2.3.4Optimized the product page when Lucene is being used to avoid an extra database hit
customer2.3.4Fixed default-xhtml/core/rightSide.jsp to display correctly, and to display the last category visited
customer2.3.4Fixed bug where USPS rates failed to display for UK customers
administrator2.3.4Fix handling of Hibernate exceptions after constraint violations in the admin area
administrator2.3.4Added ability for the importer to process parent categories, and display diagnostic messages
all2.3.4Session IDs now logged on every hit at INFO level
all2.3.3Fixed bug in HibernateFilter where JSP exceptions could leave transactions open
administrator2.3.3Fix for Hibernate "Session is closed" exceptions after visiting the category control screen
administrator2.3.3Removed width restrictions on SKU input select boxes
administrator2.3.3Removed unneeded Google Checkout jar files from build.xml file
administrator2.3.2New Product Sorter and Category Sorter functions for sorting alphabetically by name
administrator2.3.2Fixing formatting of the Output Records to ... Excel function from all control screens
administrator2.3.2Fixed bug where control screen parameters were not properly reset when switching screens
administrator2.3.2All relevant child control screen parameters now reset when parent form is reset
all2.3.2Google Checkout enhanced to support order notifications and other Level 2 integration functions
all2.3.2Upgrade to the 0.91 Google Checkout reference implementation (JavaCheckoutRefImpl.jar)
all2.3.2Cleaned up classes and fixed numerous bugs related to the Google Checkout integration
all2.3.2Optimizing how the system loads matching SKUs for an order item to speed up requests
customer2.3.1New set of default JSPs named "default-xhtml" (used only for new installations)
customer2.3.1Several small fixes and improvements to the original "default" templates
all2.3.1Upgrade to Hibernate 3.2.5
all2.3.1Upgrade to Xerces 2.9.1, eliminating errors with JDK 1.6 for UPS, USPS and exports
all2.3.1Fixed bug in HibernateFilter where JSP exceptions could leave sessions open
all2.3.1Unsupported JSP precompile and schema generation tasks taken out of build.xml
installer2.3.1For security, all requests forward immediately to the installer if it is not locked
installer2.3.1For security, the installer does not display database connection information
installer2.3.1Installer now detects up front what steps are completed, and skips them if the are
installer2.3.1Fixed bug in installer where the JDBC connection was left open
installer2.3.1Look and feel of the installer updated
administrator2.3.1Bug in order export where date ranges were inaccurate fixed
administrator2.3.1When resetting the attribute control screen, the option screen is also reset now
administrator2.3.1UPS extra weight field now added to individual packages in addition to total weight
administrator2.3.1New UPS "maxPackageWeight" field allows admins to enforce UPS maximum weight
administrator2.3.1New Display setting "Base Layout" defines which set of default templates to use
administrator2.3.1Ability to define logo, CSS theme, font style, and main colors from the Display Settings
administrator2.3.1New Display setting named "Display Add to Cart on List Pages"
administrator2.3.1Legacy Display and Styles settings removed in new installations (kept for upgrades)
administrator2.3.1Fixed bugs in roles framework for viewing payment information for an order
documentation2.3.1Guide for Designers rewritten to describe CSS Themes and new Display Settings
administrator2.2.6Support added for importing primary categories and manufacturers for products
administrator2.2.6Bug when price or weight is null during Lucene reindexing fixed
administrator2.2.6Preventing Administrators from being able to assign a category as its own parent
installer2.2.6Missing Lucene index directory setting added to installation script
all2.2.6New "reloadSettingsHitCount" setting added to
customer2.2.6Bug in the USPS Processor with incorrect country name for the United Kingdom fixed
customer2.2.6Bugs with display of category and product list pages when Lucene is used fixed
customer2.2.6Products not loaded from db for categories and manufacturers if Lucene is in use
customer2.2.6Fixing bug with font color of the order total in email confirmations
all2.2.5Lucene advanced search feature added
all2.2.5Added support classes and examples for running processing from the command line
all2.2.5Added new type of shipping rule, to restrict shipping methods based on location
all2.2.5Fixed bug in the USPSProcessor so the 'is machinable' flag now works
all2.2.5Fixed bug in the PayflowProProcessor related to the AVS ZIP response
all2.2.5Fixed bug in the BasePayPalNVPProcessor related to logging levels
documentation2.2.5Documentation converted to new look and feel
documentation2.2.5Improved documentation for Shipping Rules
documentation2.2.5Documentation section on provisioning with RedHat and Tomcat added
customer2.2.5Added ability to display product attributes in a matrix on the product page
administrator2.2.5Added the ability to associate products with categories and manufacturers during imports
administrator2.2.5Added 'Extra Charge' and 'Extra Weight' fields to the UPS settings
administrator2.2.5Fixed bug in the order export so that the 'completed' field is used instead of 'status'
administrator2.2.5Fixed bug when using the resend order email function with a custom orderEmails.jsp
administrator2.2.4Resend order emails function added to order details screen
administrator2.2.4Tax, shipping and payment roles modified to apply to relevant areas
all2.2.4USPS shipping integration
installer2.2.4PayPal US database settings now included in initial installation process
all2.2.3More image file extensions added to those that SEOFilter ignores
all2.2.3Added a hook to the beginning of each request: ActionUtils.onPreRequestEnd
all2.2.3Fixed cases where HQL queries could not be overridden by appending "-custom"
all2.2.3Fixed bug in Google Checkout processing where incorrect order totals were sent
administrator2.2.3Fixed bug in User Defined Settings administrator screen affecting SQL Server 2005
installer2.2.3Fixed bug affecting SQL Server 2005 in script that creates the sscCountry table
administrator2.2.2User Defined Settings feature added under Settings -> User Defined Settings
administrator2.2.2Bug in Froogle export fixed related to the URLs for images.
administrator2.2.2Bug fixed when deleting a product that is another product's related product
administrator2.2.2In the order export, the orderDelivery.statusDetails field has been added
administrator2.2.2Fixed spelling of role for Payment Configuration menu link area
administrator2.2.2Adding roles for order discounts, which were missing from the database
all2.2.2Removing the call to initializeSQLProperties(), to prevent error messages
all2.2.2Fixes to Google Checkout to prevent errors during callback fuctions
administrator2.2.1Language in the file downloads section clarified
administrator2.2.1Setting added to allow carts to be emptied upon customer log out
administrator2.2.1XML generation of Froogle and Google Sitemaps export changed to use jaxp
administrator2.2.1Bug in Froogle export fixed related to when tax information was not entered
administrator2.2.1Bug in processor fixed where the po was overridden with the customer id
administrator2.2.1Feature added for importing product information from flat text files
administrator2.2.1Feature added for exporting product and order information to flat text files
customer2.2.1PayPal Express Checkout link now shown on single-page checkout page
customer2.2.1Fix for inappropriate message when editing cart and selecting an out of stock option
customer2.2.1Fixed broken pages if an error occurs during registration during checkout
customer2.2.1Fix for handling errors when invoking multiple shipping processors.
customer2.2.1Populating the checkout address form from the current order if breadcrumbing link clicked
customer2.2.1Other" suppressed from invoice display as state name
all2.2.1Caching entries added in ehcache.xml for manufacturers and shipping rules
all2.2.1Typo with hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache in file fixed
all2.2.1PayPal UK integration
all2.2.1Google checkout integration
all2.2.1UPS shipping integration
all2.2.1Shipping rules by SKU infrastructure added
all2.2.1Payflow Pro ACH support added
all2.2.1PayPal payment processors using common name-value pairs API refactored
all2.2.1Making attribute -> option relationship all-delete-orphan in Hibernate
all2.2.1Logging of complete exception stack traces added throughout business and dao layers
customer2.1.2Deleting confusing files for translations
administrator2.1.2Fixing Froogle export format and required fields
administrator2.1.1Displaying component settings in alphabetical order in the administrator
administrator2.1.1Fixed bug in processor where the test mode setting was ignored
administrator2.1.1Fixed bug where low stock emails not sent out if set to decrement on order completion
administrator2.1.1Changed sscOrderItemAttribute.attributeValue field to text data type
administrator2.1.1Added attributeValueMaxLength setting to enforce size of attribute inputs
customer2.1.1Checking inventory upon adding to cart even for items decremented on order completion
customer2.1.1If country allows 'Other' states, a state is not required, even if customer selects 'Other'
customer2.1.1Handling null values in FormUtilsImpl
customer2.1.1Adding a SwitchLanguageAction which allows customers to set their locale
customer2.1.1Fixed bug with date display for some locales on credit card form
customer2.1.1Fixed bug where order total might not get updated after a coupon is used
customer2.1.1Added max file upload size of 10MB
customer2.1.1Validating CVV2 numbers to be 3 or 4 digits in length
customer2.1.1Improved error handling for shipping processors
customer2.1.1Add to cart processing now allows the same product with multiple selections to be added at once
customer2.1.1Fixed issue in PayflowProProcessor where ampersand and equals sign were not escaped
all2.1.1Adjusted logging of admin classes to prevent exceptions if not accessed via admininstrator
all2.1.1Implemented PalPal Website Payments Pro (Express and Direct)
all2.1.1JSTL jstl.jar and standard.jar files updated to version 1.1.2
all2.1.1JavaMail mail.jar file updated to version 1.4
all2.1.1JAF activation.jar file updated to version 1.1
all2.1.1Manufacturers feature added
customer2.0.11Product, attribute, and option prices suppressed if zero, and other template improvements
customer2.0.11Added error handling for shipping processors
customer2.0.11Added a / action which clears the cart of items
customer2.0.11Fixed bug in query for the number of times a discount was used by a given customer
customer2.0.11Fixed miniCategory.jsp template to display the All Items link correctly
customer2.0.11Consolidated all JSPs displaying order details into layouts/default/order/orderDetails.jsp
customer2.0.11Moved findCheckoutScreen() from CheckoutAction to ActionUtils, for easier customizing
customer2.0.11Helper methods added to UserBean and BusinessObjectUtils
administrator2.0.11Struts actions and mappings streamlined to make it easier to create custom screens
administrator2.0.11Orphaned SKU records are now deleted when attributes and options are deleted
administrator2.0.11Built-in category product count setting added under Settings -> System
administrator2.0.11Administrators now remain logged in after placing an order as a customer
administrator2.0.11Fixing failed login behavior for the administrator so a kinder message is displayed
administrator2.0.11Restriction for discounts: if the times used is per customer, it cannot apply to all users.
customer2.0.10Fixed bug where multiple SKU discounts on the same order item both went off the item total
customer2.0.10Adding status details to the review order display, so the shipping method is shown
customer2.0.10Improving link to product zoom image to always pop up new window
customer2.0.10Fixed bug with shipping methods always showing to customers even if no range is valid
customer2.0.10Reordering feature allows customers to reorder past orders
customer2.0.10Saved cart feature allows customers to save carts and pick up them up later
customer2.0.10Fixed bug with addresses not being updated during checkout if separate shipping form
customer2.0.10Adjusting query for products in a category to fix bug related to ordering of the products
customer2.0.10SKU levels now being incremented when incomplete orders are deleted
customer2.0.10Fixed bug with attribute weights being added to the order item's total
customer2.0.10Fixed bug with one-way encrypted passwords being reset when updating customers
customer2.0.10Fixed bug to force taxes to be reprocessed during checkout if shipping not required
installer2.0.10Eliminating US Minor Outlying Islands from list of countries as it has no residents
customer2.0.9Fixing bug with taxable subtotal in BaseTaxProcessor when shipping is taxable
customer2.0.9Adding option to split checkout addresses and shipping selection to separate screens
customer2.0.9SKU discounts with a fixed amount now expanded by the quantity of the item
documentation2.0.9New sections on tracking inventory, and discounting in the Administrator guide
documentation2.0.9New sections on extending the application in the Developer's guide
customer2.0.8Struts actions nw using BaseForm whenever possible for easier extending
customer2.0.8Order history now paginated according to value of Order History Page size setting
customer2.0.8Pagination links on category screen now appear static with SEO settings turned on
customer2.0.8Fixed bug where customer delivery address was not being intitialized
customer2.0.8Forcing discounts, tax and shipping to be reprocessed on logging and logging out
customer2.0.8Missing forwards added to the OrderProcess Struts action
administrator2.0.8Splitting out the definition of the application version from header.jsp to version.jsp
administrator2.0.8Fixed bug in BasicTaxProcessor where taxes for a state were applied to all states
administrator2.0.8Tiles layouts enhanced for easier customization of admin templates
administrator2.0.8AuthorizeNetProcessor methods changed to protected so that they can be overridden
administrator2.0.8Value fields in payment edit form expanded to maxlength 32
documentation2.0.8New chapters added to Developer's Guide
customer2.0.7Fixed NullPointerException as customers login without having created a cart
documentation2.0.7API documentation updated from 1.x docs
customer2.0.7Hitslink interface now tracking thank you page in non-ecommerce mode
customer2.0.7More streamlined architecture in Struts customer accounts screens
customer2.0.7Processing discounts upon customer login and log out
customer2.0.7Fixed bug with SKU discounts not being added back into cart totals when editing items
administrator2.0.7Fixed breadcrumbing on Discount add screen integration
administrator2.0.6Fixed bug with NullPointerException while editing from the SKU control screen
customer2.0.6Redirecting back to cart screen if inventory adjustments are made during checkout
customer2.0.6Fixed bug with inventory processing at checkout if set to decrement on order completion
customer2.0.6Fixed bug with inventory messages not showing up during checkout
installer2.0.6Default inventory decrement behavior changed to 'on order completion'
all2.0.6Missing jar files added to the compile classpath of the build.xml file
all2.0.5Added the store address to the thank you screen, order details, and the admin invoice
customer2.0.5Fixed bug where shipping was not reprocessed after restarting the checkout process
customer2.0.5Fixed password update bug when customer password encryption set to one-way
customer2.0.5Coupon code removed from enteredCouponCodes session variable if not a match
customer2.0.5Fixed bugs with flat rate shipping methods not working
customer2.0.5Fixed class cast issue in attributesAndOptions.jsp on Resin
customer2.0.5Attribute-only SKUs not loaded if inventory and discounting are turned off
customer2.0.5Fixed bug with the CheckPaymentProcessor and the orderid foreign key
customer2.0.5Non-serializable payment processor no longer stored in session
administrator2.0.5Fixed bugs in the checkboxes of the shipping, payment, and tax settings forms
administrator2.0.5Password input type used for administrator passwords on the add/edit admin form
administrator2.0.5Fixed issues with long load times on the SKU control screen
administrator2.0.5Fixed bug with the unique index for state codes so that they are tied to the country
documentation2.0.5Updated installation and upgrade documentation
all2.0.4Implemented and tested enabling the Hibernate 2nd level cache for product information
all2.0.4Implemented and tested enabling the Hibernate query cache for product information
all2.0.4Added a number of info log messages to make it easier to use the info logging level
customer2.0.4Fixed bug on product screen and CartAdd action when attributes are marked inactive
customer2.0.4Relevant discounts tied to attribute-only SKUs now displayed on product pages
administrator2.0.4Fixed bug where running upgrades caused errors in Oracle
administrator2.0.4Text file import feature removed from menu due to bugs and database issues
installer2.0.4Adding skus and a discount to the product test data
administrator2.0.3Fixed bug with null settings in the Dao factory immediately after installation
administrator2.0.3Fixed bug in 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 upgrade script regarding npcSettings table
administrator2.0.3Upgrade process adapted to account for database table prefix setting
administrator2.0.3Fixed bug where a primary category could not be set to none from the control screen
administrator2.0.3Fixed bug where a parent category could not be set to none from the control screen
administrator2.0.3Fixed bug where a tax rate's state could not be set to any from the control screen
administrator2.0.3Fixed bugs regarding typos with admin roles in the administrator
administrator2.0.3Fixed bug where the built in categories setting could not be updated
administrator2.0.3Fixed bugs regarding broken breadcrumbing links in the orders area of the administrator
administrator2.0.3Discount settings split out on to a separate screen
administrator2.0.3Fixed bug with products link from category control screen and category detail screen
administrator2.0.3Feature to keep ordering fields in sync for product associations
customer2.0.3Fixed pagination issues on category screen
customer2.0.3Fixed bug in style.css and style.jsp where a:hover was defined before a:visited
customer2.0.3Fixed bug with broken category pagination links when an SEO suffix is used
customer2.0.3Discounting tested, and discounting display improved
customer2.0.3Coupon form and display settings added to cart screen, checkout screens
customer2.0.3Fixed bug in PayflowProProcessor where not requiring a security code caused error
documentation2.0.2Documentation made xhtml compliant
all2.0.2Default configurations for c3p0 adjusted to avoid mysql connection issues
all2.0.2Upgraded to mysql driver version 3.1.12
customer2.0.2Fixed bug in BasicTaxProcessor when a tax rate only applies to a country as a whole
administrator2.0.2Fixed bug with SMTP authentication
administrator2.0.2Fixed bug when clicking Products link from category detail page
administrator2.0.1SMTP user name and password added to allow for SMTP authentication
administrator2.0.1SKU builder added for bulk SKU creation
administrator2.0.1Text file imports of product information
administrator2.0.1Jump to page drop down added to all control screens
administrator2.0.1Delete and Assigned labels highlighted to check all rows at once
administrator2.0.1Logging in while already logged in no longer throws an error
administrator2.0.1List of built-in categories now a setting under System settings
administrator2.0.1Fixed bug on administrator control screen involving assignments param
all2.0.1Integration with Hibernate data persistance framework
all2.0.1Discounting framework (not fully tested in 2.0.1)
all2.0.1Inventory tracking including administration, display and processing
all2.0.1Related products including administration and display
all2.0.1Eliminated all Eclipse 3.1 compilation warnings
all2.0.1All beans made serializable for Hibernate lazy loading
all2.0.1Ability to sell virtual products as downloadable files
customer2.0.1Added setting to end session on order completion
customer2.0.1Product, category and other pages made XHTML compliant (using default templates)
customer2.0.1Explicitly setting sent date on all emails produced by the system
customer2.0.1Invoice and notification emails now use customizable JSP templates
customer2.0.1Checkout login screen conformed to rest of checkout screens
customer2.0.1Logging in while already logged in no longer throws an error
customer2.0.1Product and category not found errors no longer cause thrown Exception
customer2.0.1Default productList.jsp switched to display products in columns
customer2.0.1Attributes, options, and inventory displayed in compact form on product list pages
customer2.0.1Attributes broken up into separate tiles dynamically inserted by attributeType
customer2.0.1Several fixes and improvements made to attribute and option display
customer2.0.1Breadcrumbing on product, category and other pages
customer2.0.1Search results and product list organized by primary category
customer2.0.1Added extra order item fields, short description to email placeholders
customer2.0.1Employed JSTL tags in JSPs to reduce amount of scriptlets
customer2.0.1Facility to override MessageResources using -custom properties files
installer2.0.1PostgreSQL support
installer2.0.1Oracle support
installer2.0.1Fixed compilation warnings regarding

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