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Version 3.3.3

There have been reports of the upgrade process failing in some stores due to the introduction of the new sscProduct.created field. Upon upgrading, the following exception may occur:

Hibernate error: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Found two representations of same collection: com.softslate.commerce.businessobjects.product.Discount.skuDiscounts

To fix this and get the upgrade to work, run the upgrade .sql files manually against the database before restarting, which will create the new field in advance: /WEB-INF/src/resources/upgrades/upgrade_3.3.2_3.3.3_[databasetype].sql and /WEB-INF/src/resources/upgrades/upgrade_3.3.2_3.3.3.sql

With the upgrade to Hibernate 4.3.5, the old hibernate.jar and cglib.jar files that are distributed in the /WEB-INF/lib directory should be removed as you upgrade. They are replaced in Hibernate 4.3.5 with multiple hibernate*.jar files, which are included in the upgrade.

In addition, the following Jar files are removed with the upgrade to 3.3.3:

Version 3.3.3 includes an upgrade to Hibernate version 4.3.5. With this upgrade, Hibernate now requires you to specifiy the following property in your file, if you are using either the query cache or the second-level cache. You must add this property to your file for the application to start up successfully:


If you are running the Enterprise Edition, remove the file located here: /WEB-INF/src-enterprise/com/softslate/commerce/businessobjects/core/ With the upgrade, that file is being moved to the /WEB-INF/src directory.

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