Several other look and feel settings can be controlled in the administrator, under the Settings -> Display screen.
Here are a few of the display settings you're most likely to want to change:
- The "Header Background Color" setting controls the color displayed as the background for the headers of various grids in the store, such as the list of products on the Category Screen, or the list cart items on the Cart Screen.
- Similarly, the "Alternate Grid Background Color" affects the background color of the alternating rows in the grids of the store.
- The "Left Side Width" setting controls the width of the column on the left-hand side of the screen, which contains the search box and the category tree.
- The "Layout Space Size" setting is used throuhout the default templates to add spacing around the various elements of the screens--for example, to separate the store's search box from the category tree.
| Note |
All of the settings defined under the "Settings" menu in the administrator are stored in the database in the npcSetting database table. |