Several settings in the Administrator provide templates where the following placeholders can be used where dynamic data is meant to go. Please refer to the following table when constructing the templates.
Table 8.1. Template Placeholders Reference
Template Placeholder/Token | Description | Java Expression |
%%LOGIN_URL%% | The URL used by a customer to log into his or her account. Useful for the Lost Password Email templates. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("customerSecureURL") + "/Account.do" |
%%STORE_NAME%% | The name of the store as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeName") |
%%STORE_ADDRESS1%% | The first line of the store's address, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeAddress1") |
%%STORE_ADDRESS2%% | The second line of the store's address, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeAddress2") |
%%STORE_CITY%% | The store's city, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeCity") |
%%STORE_STATE%% | The store's state or province, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeStateOrProvince") |
%%STORE_POSTALCODE%% | The store's postal code, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storePostalCode") |
%%STORE_COUNTRY%% | The store's country, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeCountry") |
%%STORE_PHONE%% | The store's phone number, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storePhone") |
%%STORE_EMAIL%% | The store's email address, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeEmail") |
%%STORE_FAX%% | The store's fax number, as defined in the Settings -> Store screen. | (String) baseForm.getSettingsBean().getValue("storeFax") |
%%ORDER_ID%% | The orderID from the npcOrder database table for the current userw's order, if it is defined. | Integer.toString(activeUser.getOrder().getOrderID()) |
%%CUSTOMER_ID%% | The customerID from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | Integer.toString(activeUser.getOrder().getCustomerID()) |
%%USER_NAME%% | The userName from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getUserName() |
%%ORDER_NUMBER%% | The orderNumber from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | Integer.toString(activeUser.getOrder().getOrderNumber()) |
%%ORDER_TOTAL%% | The formatted order total for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getFormattedTotal() |
%%SHIPPING%% | The formatted shipping amount for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getFormattedShipping() |
%%TAX%% | The formatted tax amount for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getFormattedTax() |
%%ORDER_SUBTOTAL%% | The formatted subtotal (total minus tax and shipping) amount for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getFormattedSubtotal() |
%%ORDER_TAXABLESUBTOTAL%% | The formatted taxable subtotal amount for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getFormattedTaxableSubtotal() |
%%ORDER_DATE%% | The date the current user's order was completed. | activeUser.getOrder().getFormattedCompleted() |
%%ORDER_LASTMODIFIED%% | The date the current user's order was last modified. | activeUser.getOrder().getFormattedLastModified() |
%%ORDER_STATUS%% | The status from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getStatus() |
%%ORDER_STATUSDETAILS%% | The statusDetails from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getStatusDetails() |
%%ORDER_TRACKINGNUMBER%% | The trackingNumber from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getTrackingNumber() |
%%ORDER_WEIGHT%% | The total weight from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | Double.toString(activeUser.getOrder().getWeight()) |
%%ORDER_QUANTITY%% | The total quantity of items from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | Double.toString(activeUser.getOrder().getQuantity()) |
%%BILL_FIRSTNAME%% | The first name of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getFirstName() |
%%BILL_LASTNAME%% | The last name of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getLastName() |
%%BILL_ORGANIZATION%% | The organization name of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getOrganization() |
%%BILL_ADDRESS1%% | The first line of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getAddress1() |
%%BILL_ADDRESS2%% | The second line of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getAddress2() |
%%BILL_CITY%% | The city of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getCity() |
%%BILL_STATE%% | The state or province of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getState() |
%%BILL_POSTALCODE%% | The postal code of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getPostalCode() |
%%BILL_COUNTRY%% | The country of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getCountry() |
%%BILL_PHONE1%% | The daytime phone number of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getPhone1() |
%%BILL_PHONE2%% | The evening phone number of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getPhone2() |
%%BILL_EMAIL1%% | The primary email address of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getEmail1() |
%%BILL_EMAIL2%% | The secondary email address of the billing address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getEmail2() |
%%BILL_EXTRA1%% | The extra1 field from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getExtra1() |
%%BILL_EXTRA2%% | The extra2 field from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getExtra2() |
%%BILL_NOTES%% | The notes field from the npcOrder database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().getNotes() |
%%DELIVERY_ID%% | The deliveryID from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's delivery record, if it is defined. | Integer.toString(activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getOrderDeliveryID()) |
%%DELIVERY_TOTAL%% | The formatted total for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFormattedTotal() |
%%DELIVERY_SHIPPING%% | The formatted shipping amount for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFormattedShipping() |
%%DELIVERY_TAX%% | The formatted tax amount for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFormattedTax() |
%%DELIVERY_SUBTOTAL%% | The formatted subtotal (total minus tax and shipping) amount for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFormattedSubtotal() |
%%DELIVERY_TAXABLESUBTOTAL%% | The formatted taxable subtotal amount for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFormattedTaxableSubtotal() |
%%DELIVERY_DATE%% | The date the current user's primary delivery was created. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFormattedCreated() |
%%DELIVERY_LASTMODIFIED%% | The date the current user's primary delivery was last modified. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFormattedLastModified() |
%%DELIVERY_STATUS%% | The status from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getStatus() |
%%DELIVERY_STATUSDETAILS%% | The statusDetails from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getStatusDetails() |
%%DELIVERY_TRACKINGNUMBER%% | The trackingNumber from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getTrackingNumber() |
%%DELIVERY_WEIGHT%% | The total weight from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | Double.toString(activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getWeight()) |
%%DELIVERY_QUANTITY%% | The quantity of items from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's primary delivery, if it is defined. | Double.toString(activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getQuantity()) |
%%DELIVERY_FIRSTNAME%% | The first name of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getFirstName() |
%%DELIVERY_LASTNAME%% | The last name of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getLastName() |
%%DELIVERY_ORGANIZATION%% | The organization name of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getOrganization() |
%%DELIVERY_ADDRESS1%% | The first line of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getAddress1() |
%%DELIVERY_ADDRESS2%% | The second line of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getAddress2() |
%%DELIVERY_CITY%% | The city of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getCity() |
%%DELIVERY_STATE%% | The state or province of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getState() |
%%DELIVERY_POSTALCODE%% | The postal code of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getPostalCode() |
%%DELIVERY_COUNTRY%% | The country of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getCountry() |
%%DELIVERY_PHONE1%% | The daytime phone number of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getPhone1() |
%%DELIVERY_PHONE2%% | The evening phone number of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getPhone2() |
%%DELIVERY_EMAIL1%% | The primary email address of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getEmail1() |
%%DELIVERY_EMAIL2%% | The secondary email address of the delivery address for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getEmail2() |
%%DELIVERY_EXTRA1%% | The extra1 field from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getExtra1() |
%%DELIVERY_EXTRA2%% | The extra2 field from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getExtra2() |
%%DELIVERY_NOTES%% | The notes field from the npcOrderDelivery database table for the current user's order, if it is defined. | activeUser.getOrder().firstDelivery().getNotes() |
%%START_ITEMS%% | Marks the beginning of a loop through the order items for the current user's order. | |
%%CODE%% | The code of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getCode() |
%%NAME%% | The name of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getName() |
%%DESCRIPTION%% | The name of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getName() |
%%QUANTITY%% | The quantity of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getQuantity() |
%%COST%% | The unit cost of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getFormattedCost() |
%%PRICE%% | The unit price of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getFormattedPrice() |
%%ALT_PRICE%% | The alternate price of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getFormattedAltPrice() |
%%WEIGHT%% | The total weight of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getWeight() |
%%PRODUCT_WEIGHT%% | The unit weight of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getProductWeight() |
%%TOTAL%% | The total, extended price of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getFormattedTotal() |
%%SHORT_DESCRIPTION | The short description of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getShortDescription() |
%%EXTRA1%% | The value of the extra1 field of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getExtra1() |
%%EXTRA2%% | The value of the extra2 field of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getExtra2() |
%%EXTRA3%% | The value of the extra3 field of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getExtra3() |
%%EXTRA4%% | The value of the extra4 field of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getExtra4() |
%%EXTRA5%% | The value of the extra5 field of the order item currently being looped through. | orderItem.getExtra5() |
%%START_ATTRIBUTES%% | Marks the beginning of a loop through the attributes for the current order item being looped through. | |
%%ATTRIBUTE_CODE%% | The code of the current order item attribute being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("attributeCode") |
%%ATTRIBUTE_NAME%% | The name of the current order item attribute being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("attributeName") |
%%ATTRIBUTE_VALUE%% | The value chosen or entered by the user for the current order item attribute being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("attributeValue") |
%%OIA_TOTAL%% | The total price for the current order item attribute being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("total") |
%%OIA_WEIGHT%% | The total weight for the current order item attribute being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("weight") |
%%ATTRIBUTE_COST%% | The unit cost of the order item attribute currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("attributeCost") |
%%ATTRIBUTE_PRICE%% | The unit price of the order item attribute currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("attributePrice") |
%%ATTRIBUTE_ALT_PRICE%% | The alternate price of the order attribute item currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("attributeAltPrice") |
%%ATTRIBUTE_WEIGHT%% | The weight of the order item attribute currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("attributeWeight") |
%%OPTION_CODE%% | The code of the option chosen by the user for the current order item attribute being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("optionCode") |
%%OPTION_NAME%% | The name of the option chosen by the user for the current order item attribute being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("optionName") |
%%OPTION_COST%% | The unit cost of the option chosen by the user for the order item attribute currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("optionCost") |
%%OPTION_PRICE%% | The unit price of the option chosen by the user for the order item attribute currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("optionPrice") |
%%OPTION_ALT_PRICE%% | The alternate price of the option chosen by the user for the order attribute item currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("optionAltPrice") |
%%OPTION_WEIGHT%% | The weight of the option chosen by the user for the order item attribute currently being looped through. | (String) attribute.get("optionWeight") |
%%END_ATTRIBUTES%% | Marks the end of a loop through the attributes for the current order item being looped through. | |
%%END_ITEMS%% | Marks the end of a loop through the order items for the current user's order. |
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